Peruvian ambassador to Israel confirms missing Peruvian near Gaza after Hamas attack

Peruvian ambassador to Israel confirms missing Peruvian near Gaza after Hamas attack

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He Manuel Cacho-Souza, Ambassador of Peru to IsraelIn conversation with RPP newsA Peruvian-Israeli citizen has been confirmed missing after the terrorist attacks in the vicinity. Gaza Strip By Hamas.

It’s about the doctor Daniel Levy Ludmir According to the ambassador, his phone has not shown any signs of life for more than 24 hours since it was switched off and his family has not heard from him.

“This morning, I received a call from the family of Mr. Daniel Levy, He is a Peruvian citizen identified by an Israeli passport who has been missing for more than 24 hours (…) Mr. Levi was a doctor who was in the Be’eri kibbutz, which was nearby. Gaza Strip And the person’s cell phone will not work,” he said.

The doctor’s wife and children are safe, the embassy official said Tel Aviv And all of Levi’s identification data has already been sent to the Israeli Foreign Ministry “because they (…) are reported as missing, wounded and dead.”

“So far we have no record of the man being injured or dead. Unfortunately, the area where he worked is very close to the Gaza Strip, where a terrorist commando attacked and took Israel. 200 hostages. One possibility is that we don’t know yet that he is one of the (abductees). “We are investigating and we are in constant touch with the wife,” he said.

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“Fortunately this case alone gives a little peace of mind within everything (…) It informs Peruvian families because many times the news is shocking. Everything is relatively calm, there is a curfew, there is an emergency. “Israel is a country that is used to this and knows how to deal with it. ,” he said.

“Houses and apartments are called bunkers and everyone takes shelter when the sirens go off. It’s shocking,” he added.

The Ambassador pointed out that all Peruvians who have relatives in Israel can call the embassy in that country. +972 52 7050868, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

On the other hand, he pointed out that the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for following up the case of each missing citizen in coordination with their respective embassies. A state of emergency has been declared in the area where the attack took place.

“The Israeli Foreign Ministry has asked all embassies to take responsibility if any of their nationals are reported missing, as they have a monitoring center in all of their hospitals that keeps a record of all the wounded entering it. So far Mr. Levy has not been reported injured or missing,” he said. He said.


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