Planets where humans can live

Planets where humans can live

To search for habitable planets, Take NASA as an example Tierra Since it is the only case known to exist biological life In all its glory (Animal, Plant, Fungi, Protista and Monera).

On January 24, 2023, NASA announced the discovery of two exoplanets, Even if they are 16 light years away, is a parameter close to astronomical measurements. It’s all about the planets GJ 1002 b Y CAbout as massive as Earth and orbiting a red dwarf star within its habitable zone.

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Because a red dwarf’s luminosity period is rare and small unlike that of the Sun, its “habitable zone” must be very close compared to the distance between Earth and the center of the Solar System. It is because of this reason GJ 1002 B, the closest planet to a red dwarf, has an orbit that lasts only 10 days! In contrast, planet C takes 20 days to complete one full revolution around its star.

These twin planets, the North American agency argues, join the list of 10 celestial bodies It has properties suitable for life. The list is made up of “small worlds in the ‘conservative’ habitable zone, which are less than 1.5 times the size of Earth or less than five times its mass.”

According to the North American Space Agency, “Sona is livableFor that part of the Solar System where liquid water may exist on the surface of a particular planet orbiting a star. These areas are also called “”.Blondes”, because its climatic conditions are adequate, neither too hot nor too cold, for life to survive.

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He Liquid water Abundance is essential to life on Earth, indicates NASA; And observes that every star in the universe has a habitable zone, but it varies in distance depending on the size and brightness of the star emanating from that star system. In addition, it is important to consider the type of planet orbiting that habitable zone to determine the possibility of life.

For example, gas giants like Jupiter are unlikely to have life inside because of the climates and type of atmosphere they have.

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why A planet outside the solar system is considered habitableNASA uses a series of criteria in its analysis, including the following criteria:

  • Life is necessary Liquid water, solar energy and nutrients.
  • The planet must orbit its star in the habitable zoneThe “Goldilocks Zone”, whose temperature is ideal for any type of life.
  • We need a habitable planet Atmosphere It can filter out large amounts of X-rays and UV rays emitted from the orbiting star.
  • A planet in the habitable zone may be warm, but scarce wind. For this reason, NASA warns that every terrestrial body orbiting the region is not suitable for life.
  • Los Rocky planets As long as they have the above conditions, they are the best candidates to lead the life.

The Sun has powered life on Earth for more than 4 billion years, NASA suggests G-type stars Like the Solar System, the planets orbiting it are very likely to harbor life.


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