Premier League – Lucas Paqueta accused of breaking up parties

The situation is complex Lucas Baguda. The English Football Association (FA) The footballer alleged that he received a yellow card in four matches Premier League Affects sports betting.

In a statement, the sports agency indicated that the Brazilian had committed four violations FA Rule E5.1 (matches and match-related identity issues), in four Premier League matches: against Leicester (November 12, 2022), Aston Villa (March 12, 2023), Leeds United (May 21, 2023) and Bournemouth (August 12, 2023).

In addition, he has been charged with two breaches of Rule F3, an alleged breach of Rule F2 (provision of information and documents).

“He has been charged with four breaches of FA Rule E5.1 at the club’s Premier League games against Leicester City on November 12, 2022, Aston Villa on March 12, 2022 2023; Leeds United on May 21, 2023; and AFC Bournemouth on August 12, 2023. in 2023,” the first part of the letter states.

“It is said that he tried to directly influence the progress, conduct or any other aspect or events in these matches – intentionally – in order to obtain a card from the referee with the wrong intention of affecting the betting, the market for one or more persons. To benefit “, concludes the report.

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Lucas Paquetá defends himself

After hearing the news, West Ham footballer He denied the allegations against him and said he always supported investigations.

“I am very surprised and saddened that the FA have decided to charge me. “I have cooperated at every stage of their investigation for nine months and provided all the information I could,” he pointed out at the beginning.

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“I completely deny the allegations and will fight with all my might to clear my name. Due to the ongoing process, I will not comment further,” he concluded.

In Brazil – a yellow card for Lucas Paqueta – investigations began when an unusual number of challenges were detected. According to investigations, the amount was withdrawn from the footballer’s account, which the midfielder has denied.

The Brazilian midfielder has until June 3 to respond to the charges.

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