Seville will host an informal Intergovernmental Space Council in November

Seville will host an informal Intergovernmental Space Council in November


It will be attended by science ministers from the European Union and key issues will be discussed

Minister of Science together with the Mayor of Seville and the Director of the Spanish Space Agency Juan flowers

Corresponds to the designation of Seville Headquarters of the Spanish Space AgencyThe Seville capital will be held on November 6 and 7 Informal Interagency Space Council. Ministers from various countries of the European Union will participate in this important event, and this could be the starting signal for Seville to host the event. Space Summit During the Spanish Presidency of the European Union, with the aim of making the city a European and global benchmark for the space industry.

The Informal Interagency Space Council coincides with the celebration Space WeekIt will be from November 6 to 10 Brings together EU science ministersas well as the Ibero-Americans and other non-member countries of the European Space Agency.

It should be remembered that the Spanish Space Agency was established last April Governing Body In an event attended by the Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant. It is the start of the engines of an agency that will form the basis of its operations CREA Building, the capital city of Seville was the chosen city of more than 30 people from all over the country after submitting its candidacy. The new state body will coordinate all space policies and coordinate all services in the country’s space. The amount of the ministry’s public investment will be 700 million euros, which will be added to the 979 million billed by the private space industry.

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On the other hand, and in parallel with the Informal Intergovernmental Space Council, on 4 and 5 September in Córdoba, a Informal Agricultural Council. EU Agriculture Ministers will meet in the city where the agricultural sector plays a key role as one of the main tools for economic development, social integration and the structure of the province.

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