Technical glossary: ​​What is cybercrime and how many types are there?

Technical glossary: ​​What is cybercrime and how many types are there?
Technology is very useful in daily activities. (Infobae)

The Technology It has been done Actions are required In different areas, it is also important to know the additional regulations that help protect minors exposed to social networks, avoid or recognize hacker attacks.

As technology has become essential for work, entertainment, school and staying in touch with friends and family, it is also important to know what DDoS, grooming, stalking, etc. are. Technical regulations.

By acquiring more knowledge you can Be more prepared In the face of any adversity, teach others, especially children and adults, to act and be confident when using devices or connecting to the Internet.

Technology is very useful in daily activities.  (Getty Images)
Technology is very useful in daily activities. (Getty Images)

Cybercrime is a term that refers to the commission of any crime related to the use of computers and information technologies. These crimes can range from theft of personal data to financial fraud and cyber attacks.

In the modern era, cybercrime has increasingly become a threat to individuals and organizations. It refers to the commission of computer crimes aimed at causing damage based on computer technologies and information. These crimes range from theft of personal data to financial fraud or cyber attacks.

Next, we will explain different types of cybercrime, how to prevent it and its impact on organizations and some notable cases.

There are different types of cyber crimes. Major types of cybercrime are explained below:

  • Email fraud . This is a common form of online fraud in which criminals send fraudulent emails to trick people into revealing personal or financial information and transferring funds.
  • Fishing . Uses spoofed emails or websites to obtain users’ sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card numbers. Criminals often pose as legitimate companies and government officials to trick their victims.
  • Identity fraud . When someone tries to impersonate another person to access their personal data and conduct banking transactions without their prior consent.
  • DDoS attacks . A distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) is a deliberate attempt by an attacker to disrupt the service provided by a web server by bombarding it with fraudulent requests from multiple computers simultaneously.
  • Cyber ​​terrorism . Cyberterrorism is a criminal activity that is carried out using computer technology for the specific purpose of causing terror among the general public against specific governments or organizations, usually for specific political or religious purposes.
  • Computer theft . It refers to the illegal theft of confidential information stored on computer devices and servers by maliciously designed programs. Theft can include everything from personal data to sensitive trade secrets.
  • Hacking . Computer hacking refers to the unauthorized and intentional malicious use of hardware and/or software present in a computer system. They are designed to steal personal data, destroy important files and take over the computer. Hacking is typically distinguished by its technical complexity among organized criminal syndicates.
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Preventing cybercrime is an important part of maintaining online security. This means taking steps to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks, fraud, identity theft and other technology-related issues. While there are many ways to combat cybercrime, some key prevention tips include:

  • Use strong, unique passwords for all your devices. Do not share your passwords with anyone and do not reuse them.
  • Use security software, including antivirus, spyware, and firewall, on your computer, phone, or tablet. Make sure to keep your device updated to protect it from the latest computer viruses.
  • Learn to recognize fraudulent or threatening emails. If you receive a suspicious message, do not open any attachments or click on any links without first verifying the source of the email.
  • Always be selective about the websites you visit and avoid downloading content from unknown or dubious sites.
  • Never share sensitive personal information such as address, credit card number or banking information via email or other unsecured channels.
  • Disable remote access to your computer to prevent malicious parties from gaining unauthorized access to your personal files and sensitive information stored on them.
  • Make regular backups of your data to reduce the risk if your computer is infected with malware or suffers a sudden technical failure.

Cybercrime can have a significant impact on businesses. Organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large corporations, are at risk. This is because there are different types of cyber attacks that affect a company’s infrastructure and systems.

The effects of cybercrime are not always limited to the technology sector. This can have significant impacts on a company’s reputation and revenue. This is because cybercrime can result in the loss or destruction of sensitive data, which means reduced revenue and reputational damage among customers, business partners and other associates.

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Below are some of the ways cybercrime can negatively impact businesses:

  • Financial loss . Money and data are two of the most valuable things for companies, especially those with digital assets or financial markets. When threatened by cybercrime, financial loss is inevitable, either as a direct result of theft or indirectly due to costs associated with recovering lost data.
  • Business interruption . By blocking critical services or exposing vulnerabilities in internal networks, cyber attacks often temporarily interrupt the normal flow of work. This can cause serious problems for a company whose operation is completely dependent on the daily use of the Internet and other computer resources.
  • Damage to the brand . Cybercrime has the potential to completely destroy a corporate reputation if significant vulnerabilities are found in their computer systems.
Technology is an ally in people's daily lives.  (illustrative image information)
Technology is an ally in people’s daily lives. (illustrative image information)

Although Technology is found in all areas of life, there may be people who don’t know how to use it yet or don’t know how to function properly in certain situations; However, the best way to proceed is to learn more to be better prepared.

For example, only a person who knows how to distinguish phishing can avoid being scammed and can warn others if they see something unusual on the sites they visit.


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