The government spent half a million soles on Pedro Castillo’s ex-ministership in London

The government spent half a million soles on Pedro Castillo’s ex-ministership in London

Jose Luis Kavidia, who was the defense minister in the government, was appointed Pedro CastilloAs a representative before the International Maritime Organization him It cost the Peruvian state half a million soles. This was revealed on Sunday Panoramawho pointed out that the former President of Mindef was in office for five months after the removal of the former President.

The former minister began his duties on November 1, 2022, a few days after his journey London, the capital of the United Kingdom, where the organization is located. Later, his wife and three children visited the town on December 20. The amount of the tickets reached S/ 4,386 and they also carried luggage paid for with public money.

Jose Luis Kavidia He made his arguments in the same statement by pointing out that the money he earned in that position was what he needed to live on. London In respect of housing, transport and other expenses.

“The approximate costs I would have to live in London would be £7,000 or £8,000 a month,” he said.

For his work at the UN, he was compensated up to S/ 48,000 per month: the first month he received 47,000, in December and January he received two payments of 48,000, and from February to April he received 47,000 each month.

The former minister questioned whether he was removed from the post him This month and felt there was “mistreatment” because he had to pay a fine for a house he had rented for two years and he returned to the country with his own resources. However, the report notes that the government paid more than Php 9,000 for their return tickets.

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“I have a document that I gave to the Minister of Defense, who legally required me to restore the tickets of the three relatives, but ordered a fine and all that was left of my return. […] I think it was $3,500,” he said.

Millionaire pays for civil damages

Attorney General Daniel Soria requested the Preparatory Trial Court of the Supreme Court to pay former President Pedro Castillo more than S/ 67 million in civil compensation as “compensation” for the coup attempt on December 7, 2022.

Former ministers in Soria include Aníbal Torres, Betsy Chávez, Roberto Sanchez and Willy Huerta, who, along with Castillo Terrones, contribute to the payment of this civil compensation. It is as co-authors of an offense against the powers and constitution of the State.

The Office of the Attorney General noted that it had set a compensation amount of S/ 17,711,000 for the alleged crimes of sedition and abuse of power alleged by the Prosecutor’s Office; At the same time, he proposed S/ 50 million for serious disturbance of the peace. Pedro Castillo He has been in pre-trial detention for 18 months.

The company points out that this initial amount is provisional and they reserve the right to change or increase the amount claimed for property damage to the government based on more and new concrete elements arising from investigations.


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