The Minister and the Congressional Housing Commission arrived in Huancayo to hold an extraordinary session | Edition

The Minister and the Congressional Housing Commission arrived in Huancayo to hold an extraordinary session |  Edition

This morning, the fifteenth session of the Decentralized Public Hearing of the Housing and Construction Commission of the Republic of Congress began. It was attended by Minister of Housing Hania Pérez de Gullar and Commission President Maria Acuna Perel and Provincial Mayor Dennis Cuba Rivera.

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Other members of the commission were almost certainly present, as were the district and provincial officials of the Junin region. Minister Hania Pérez published statistics showing the situation in the Junín region, where there are 447 thousand people without basic health facilities and 65.7 thousand people with housing shortages.

He noted that the task will be to create working groups to implement the feasible projects with technical assistants who can advise the mayors of the region. “Yesterday June there was a technical table with all the mayors of the region, it has been agreed that the stalled projects must continue, we must guarantee that the works will be completed and sustainable over time,” said the Minister of Housing.

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He also explained that the ministry cannot finance all the projects as it only funds 11% and 18% of health and housing respectively.

For his part, Mayor Dennis thanked the Cuban Commission and stated that the rest of the plant’s work required an investment of 750 million, and that the Ministry would be the one to accept the cost once completed. He said this work will improve the quality of life of many citizens.

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