The Ministry of ICT is moving forward with the use and implementation of Blockchain technology

The Ministry of ICT is moving forward with the use and implementation of Blockchain technology

The Ministry of ICT, through the Directorate of Digital Government, leads the third phase of the first place to experiment with Blockchain technology in the public sector in Colombia. The program, which will run from May 24 to December 31 this year, aims to create an appropriate environment for public institutions, national and regional, to use this technology in a controlled environment and without compromising public resources.

Mauricio Lizcano, Minister of ICT, explains that thanks to this space “Potential efficiencies can be assessed through the results obtained in the development of a solution with blockchain technology, which manages to improve and complement processes in organizations in a secure and efficient manner. In addition, it will provide a technical solution (prototype) that will allow the simulation of different use cases in a high-value payment system.“.

In Colombia, the project is being developed with Banco de la República and has the support of Peersyst Technology from Spain and partner Ripple from Australia, which is considered a relevant provider in the Blockchain industry worldwide.

Blockchain is a technology designed to obtain information quickly and accurately, providing instant, shared and completely transparent data that can be stored in a large immutable database. Only authorized members of the network have access to it, and they can see all the data tracing a transaction from start to finish. It creates greater trust, transparency, efficiency and security in the processes undertaken by any organization implementing it.

Thanks to the results, public institutions of national and regional order will be able to access a scalable and development platform used to experiment collaboratively and interactively on the blockchain, testing and determining applicable solutions in a real environment. Data that they are the subject of testing and experimentation.

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For more information on the initiatives of the Digital Government Directorate of the Ministry of Blockchain and ICT, visit:


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