The possibility of new energies in the field of business

The possibility of new energies in the field of business

In front of A Macroeconomic Perspective That could affect businesses around the world in the coming years, companies expect Technology As a strategic partner to advance its objectives on productivity and growth fronts.

In fact, the benefits that come with it New technology tools, have allowed business leaders today to consider using them to guarantee the success of their businesses. The above is proven in the most recent study of the consulting firm BDO Digital, 'Tectonic States'84% of executives say they believe this.Adoption and intelligent use of technology” will determine the best results of companies.

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The report, which involved the participation of 500 business leaders from various sectors, took into account four dimensions: The accelerated world is characterized by technology and streamlined business networks, the static world, the fragmented world defined by markets and supply chains, and the fragmented world related to the East-West divide..

Now, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​findings in the report, 81% of business leaders indicated that technology is now an important and primary factor in corporate strategy. 84% said their company would only survive if it significantly accelerated its technological innovation..



Considering the benefits new tools bring, 86% of leaders say they are not taking advantage of technology (including AI) and data.This is a risk that affects your company for the next three years“75% of those surveyed indicated a lack of experience with technology”This is a huge risk to your company's growth”.

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Significant 68% of business leaders say technology will have a transformative impact on productivity in the coming years.

Rick Opal, Global Head of BDO DigitalHe noted that the coming years promise great rewards for companies that embrace and navigate technological change efficiently.

It's as much about a culture open to experimentation as it is about innovative technology. Establishing alliances with consulting firms that understand this new dynamic allows for an approach that can yield significant results.” Okpal added.



For its part, Diego Quijano, CEO of BDO in ColombiaGiven this analysis, it is essential for business leaders to plan their strategies and adopt new technologies.

The purpose of the BDO report is not to predict the future with certainty. Rather, we aim to empower business leaders to be proactive architects of their destiny. In a world where the pace of change is relentless, we believe the ability to plan for multiple possible futures is a strategic imperative, and by embracing technology we can future-proof our organizations and avoid major failures.Quijano said.

Although the adoption of new technological tools in the business environment is one of the major medium-term objectives of leaders, The fact is that the regulatory front has also become important.

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According to survey data, 71% of leaders say they will increase restrictions in the next three years.



Among the points considered by the executives were regulatory, trade and investment policies.Monitoring is difficult and technology adoption is hampered by regulatory interference and shortages of critical materials and skills”.

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Now, leaders believe “Technical ethics and data ownership” get a prominent place on your agenda Corporate Social Responsibility by 2026.

The report also outlined the current strategies companies are implementing to advance their digital transformation.

Adopting artificial intelligence and other advanced digital solutions tops the list of these strategies. Next is data-driven innovation of services, products and processes; Focusing towards high value products and services; Increase work automation to improve productivity.

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On the other hand, there is the reorganization of the supply chain and the shift towards new lines of business; A reshaping of business models around AI, digitization and big data. Finally, There is a strategy to strengthen sustainability, enabling smart manufacturing.

Adopting AI and other advanced digital solutions is the number one strategy companies will adopt to gain competitive advantage over the next 12 months.” said the BDO report.



The report also suggests certain commitments that business leaders should make throughout the process of adopting new technologies.

For example, beyond the commitment to the future of AI and reaping the benefits on all fronts, they “Defining ethical and security measures around advances in technology and automation will help organizations avoid risks by ensuring that technologies are developed, implemented, and used in ways that benefit society, respect individual rights, and comply with regulations.“.

Johanna Lordui
Portfolio Journalist


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