There is a structure so large that it can be seen from space and it is not the Great Wall of China

There is a structure so large that it can be seen from space and it is not the Great Wall of China

It covers an area of ​​more than 30,000 hectares, which is why it has been detected by the best satellites on Earth. what is it

Earth. Photo: Unsplash

has Mito popular The Great Wall of China That is Construction From what it seems Space. However, this lie And, instead, there is a single system created by Human beings Easily visible outside Tierra.

This construction There are more than 30,000 hectares and detected by the most powerful satellite observation instruments on Earth.

Egyptian pyramids.  Photo: Unsplash.Egyptian pyramids. Photo: Unsplash.

They don't Egyptian pyramids, though with some difficulty – being alone in the desert – can be seen. It is a construction located in the south Iberian Peninsula only one know Easy from everyone.

SLIM module.  Photo: Reuters.

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Construction visible from space

Spanish astronaut Pedro Duke He said on one of his space missions that it was the only structure that could be seen almost completely from space Greenhouses of Almeria, found in society Andalusia.

A sea of ​​greenhouses.  Photo by Twitter @PregoneroL.Greenhouses of Almeria. Photo by Twitter @PregoneroL.

In turn, this information was confirmed by another Spanish astronaut Michael Lopez-AlegriaWorked in NASA and was in command International Space Station (ISS) on Mission XIV.

Greenhouses are located Almeria Desert And they look like a white spot spread in many places Kilometers In full Spanish coast.

The Great Wall of China.  Photo: Unsplash.The Great Wall of China. Photo: Unsplash.

These buildings have an intermediate floor area 20,000 and 70,000 ha Where Spain Harvest Tropical fruits, peppers, pumpkins, tomatoes, melons and watermelonsamong others.

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Now, this ha Crops Thank you is produced bodies of water That's food for them. These greenhouses exist because it is impossible to produce foods If not artificially bred. The entire area produces in between 2.5 million and 3.5 million tons of fruits and vegetables per year.

Burnout.  Photo: Unsplash

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A sea of ​​greenhouses can be seen from space

The NASA He named this region A A sea of ​​greenhouses Y The most impressive images to be seen were taken on May 24, 2022 by the satellite's Operational Ground Imager 2 (OLI-2). Landsat 9.

Which construction can be seen from space? Video on Twitter @alvarosenan.

The images clearly show this type of cultivation around the city Ejido, nearby Dalias Beaches.

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A history of the greenhouses of Almeria

Between the 1950s and 1960s, farmers began mining the area Greenhouses Plastic blankets and sand are efficient for maintenance Soil and vegetation From damaging winds and salty groundwater.

A sea of ​​greenhouses.  Photo by Twitter @jmmulet.Almeria's greenhouses can be seen from space. Photo by Twitter @jmmulet.

Researchers at University of Almeria They calculated that the albedo of the surface Almeria Between 1983 and 2006 there was a nearly 10 percent increase Reflection of greenhouses.

Northern lights.  Photo: Unsplash

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These measurements were made thanks to the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors on board the satellites. NASA's Aqua and Terra, L.

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Thanks to the greenhouses, the area suffered 0.3°C cooling per decade in Almeria, compared to a 0.5 degree Celsius increase For a decade in the region.


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