These are the astronomical events that can be seen in Uruguay in April 2024

These are the astronomical events that can be seen in Uruguay in April 2024

There are many conjunctions and lunar phases worth thinking about.

This is the list:

April 2 – Last quarter: 50% of its illuminated surface is visible.

April 6 – Moon-Mars-Saturn conjunction: The triangular formation is visible towards the eastern horizon from 5 am to just before dawn.

April 7 – Moon-Venus conjunction: A thin waning Moon joins Venus a few minutes before dawn from 6am.

April 8 – Solar Eclipse and New Moon: Two invisible events occur: a solar eclipse (visible only in western Europe, North America, northern South America, the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic oceans) and a new moon (occurs when the Moon is perfectly positioned between the Earth and the Sun, so its illuminated hemisphere cannot be seen from Earth) .

April 10 – Multiple links: Mars-Saturn conjunction (visible just before 5 am, both planets appear very close) / Moon-Jupiter (visible a few minutes in the northwest after sunset).

April 11 – Moon-Pleiades conjunction

April 15 – First Quarter and Moon-Pollex conjunction: The Moon approaches this constellation, providing a contrast. Both stars are visible towards the north from 7 pm till sunset.

April 21 – Peak of the Lyrid meteor shower: Active from April 14th to 30th, with a peak expected from Sunday night 21st to Monday 22nd, with up to 18 meteors per hour at best. The parent body of this shower is comet C/1861 G1 (Thatcher).

April 22 – Luna-Spica conjunction: Visible in the east, from 7:00 PM until both stars set

April 23 – Full Moon: The brightest and fullest phase of the moon, suitable for viewing with the naked eye.

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April 24 – Mercury at Greatest Eastern Stretch: Best time to observe Mercury through telescopes or binoculars.

April 26 – Moon-Antares conjunction: Visible eastward from 8:00 PM till sunset of both stars.


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