We're not alone: ​​Extraterrestrial civilizations may be “trapped” on other planets, according to study

We're not alone: ​​Extraterrestrial civilizations may be “trapped” on other planets, according to study

The study explores the possibility of intelligent civilizations existing on other planets that lack the capability to conduct space exploration, introducing two key concepts: the escape factor and ocean planets.

Universe, Space, Planet Earth. Photo: Unsplash.

looking for Intellectual life Beyond Earth is a great mystery that fascinates the scientific community. With approximately 120 billion galaxies in the observable universe, the possibility that the human race is the only intelligent species is mathematically remote.

To date, no conclusive evidence of its existence has been found Extraterrestrial civilizations. However, a recent study published Journal of the British Interplanetary Society Raised an intriguing perspective on this topic.

Aliens, Science, Space.  Photo: Unsplash.Aliens, Science, Space. Photo: Unsplash.

The study was conducted under the leadership of Elio Quiroga RodriguezHe explored the possibility of intelligent civilizations on other planets “trapped” in their worldsThey could not go beyond their solar systems due to physical limitations.

One of the so-called limits “Exoplanet Escape Factor”, which represents the speed required by a forceless object to escape the gravitational pull of a planet and reach infinity. The supertierrasPlanets with masses greater than Earth have high escape velocities, making space travel extremely difficult for any intelligent civilization that might inhabit them.

About this event, Rodriguez He explained that the simple act of Abandon a planet It would be significantly more massive than Earth An insurmountable challenge For any rocket system known so far, due to physical stresses.

“They are [la civilización inteligente] They could not leave the earth Doesn't use an unimaginable amount of fuel. “No viable rocket system can withstand the stresses in operation, at least with the materials we know,” he commented.

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Galaxy, universe.  Photo: UnsplashGalaxy, universe. Photo: Unsplash.

In addition to these limitations regarding the escape factor, the feasibility of the study was also considered Intelligent civilizations Inside Sea worlds. These planets could support intelligent life under thick layers of ice, where inter-individual communication would be possible without the need for external devices.

Hence, the motivation to develop communication technologies may not be there. In this case, the technology may not be developed Civilization is not considered “communicative”.One of the keys to defining a Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI).

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Technologies and Sea Worlds

On ocean worlds or moons with warm oceans, any citizen would have a very limited view of the universe. therefore, It is difficult to imagine an intelligent civilization developing in the sea Several kilometers under the snow, but the author does not question this premise.

Universe, space, solar system.  Photo: Unsplash.Universe, space, solar system. Photo: Unsplash.

This perspective raises interesting questions about the development and evolution of intelligent civilizations in the universe. Highly technologically advanced civilizations may exist, but are stuck on their own planets.

If these theories were true, entire civilizations would have no chance to explore and understand them universe As a whole, it is physically impossible due to a sequence Planetary limits It can affect its existence and development.


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