What are the effects on the human body while in space? It’s experiential – teach me about science

One of humanity’s biggest goals is to conquer space beyond our planet, that is, to cross the Earth’s sky and find out what else is out there and what we can study to understand a little more about the wonderful universe. surrounds us.

The first thing we learn about space is that it has no oxygen or gravity, so it affects our body’s function and behaviors we wouldn’t expect it to.

Today we will talk to you about the reasons why humans go into space and the consequences of weightlessness.

Why did mankind decide to fly into space?
journeys in space They are important for many reasons, both scientific and technological.

Scientific reasons

Space travel allows us to explore and discover new planets, stars and galaxies. It helps us better understand the universe and our place in it. In addition, they allow scientific research to be carried out that is not possible on Earth. For example, we can study cosmic radiation, magnetic fields, and planetary evolution.

Space travel helps search for extraterrestrial life. If life is found elsewhere in the universe, it will have a profound impact on our understanding of life and humanity’s place in the universe.

Technical reasons

Development of new technologies: Space travel requires the development of new technologies. These technologies may have applications on Earth such as medicine, energy, and construction. Space travel encourages innovation. Scientists and engineers working in space must find creative solutions to emerging challenges.

They can generate economic growth. Creating new space technologies and companies can create new jobs and investment opportunities.

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As you can see, space travel is important because it helps us better understand the universe and our place in it. They also lead to the development of new technologies that can improve our lives on Earth.

An astronaut’s loss of bone and muscle mass, credit to Quoara

What happens when you expose your body to the weightlessness of space?

Exposure to space affects the human body in various ways due to the unique environment of space. Some of them Very significant effects They are shared below:

Microgravity: A lack of gravity causes changes in the distribution of body fluids, resulting in a puffy facial appearance. Additionally, the lack of resistance to gravity can weaken muscles and bones.

Loss of bone and muscle mass: Can cause microgravity Rapid loss of bone density and muscle mass. Astronauts undergo specific exercises to counter these effects.

Vision changes: Some astronauts experience vision changes, such as swelling of the optic nerve, which can affect visual acuity.

Space Radiation: Exposure to cosmic radiation can increase the risk of radiation-related illnesses and affect cells and DNA.

Cardiovascular Adaptation: The cardiovascular system can change in space due to fluid redistribution affecting blood pressure and heart function.

Effect on Immune System: Exposure to space can affect the immune system, although a full understanding of these effects is still developing.

Space travel has been an incredible achievement for our species and we should be proud of it, but it also has important effects on our bodies, which is considered a great week.

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