The Commission approves a report on the granting of legislative powers to the administration: “In total, 28 measures have been approved”

The Commission approves a report on the granting of legislative powers to the administration: “In total, 28 measures have been approved”
The Economic Commission, chaired by César Revilla, examined the economic aspects of the request sent by the Executive. | Cinematography: Infobay Peru (Camila Calderon)

The Commission for Economics, Banking, Finance and Financial Intelligence The Congress of the Republic, led by Cesar Revilla, approved the majority proposal Administrative authority to represent Legislative powers Requested in early May and supported last Tuesday.

As Fujimori explained, out of 135 measures requested by Dina Boluarte’s government, 51 measures related to economic issues were analyzed. Of this number, 12 voted in favor and three against, with no votes cast Given on the 28th “Specific subjects, in whole or in part” that refer to public and private investment, management of public services, improving the quality of public investment, strengthening government business operations, reducing transaction costs, access to and competition in finance, financial services, and tax matters.

Revilla noted that although the full list of activities for which legislative powers will be granted is not yet known, for example, powers will be granted to reactivate stalled works. Also, they are in favor of the tax amnesty proposed by the Executive. Regarding the denial, he noted that it was based on a lack of information about changes or proposals already being discussed in Congress.

“I have already mentioned that the administrator should be specific about what is going to be done at each point because when they requested the powers on previous occasions, collection did not increase. […] It was cautioned that no authority would be vested in the Committee or the Standing Orders of the Plenary. For example, on the issue of electronic cigarettes, legislative powers have not been conferred as a bill has already been passed by the Economic and Health Commissions,” he said.

César Revilla, President of the Congressional Economic Commission. Photo: Congress

During the debate, the intervention of Congressman Alex Paredes González (PMCN) stood out, as he voiced his opposition, citing the strike as an argument. Congresswoman Maria Acuna Peralta (APP) supported the request, although she proposed withdrawing issues related to fiscal balance and public debt.

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For his part, Congressman Eduardo Saljuana Cavitz (APP) defended the delegation of power as a means of expediting tax plans through legislative orders that would then be reviewed by Congress (with information from the Congressional News Center).

It is worth noting that the task force “recommends” as Congress’s economic chief warned. He noted that “the Constitution Commission is the only authority which rules and brings the final text to the plenary session of the Congress”.

The president of the MEF, Jose Arista, appeared at the Economic Commission to discuss the pension reform proposal. Photo: Andina

During the session, the president of the Council of Ministers, Gustavo Lino Adrianson Olaya, supported the request and emphasized the importance of cooperation between state authorities. “Rest assured, madam (chairman of the Constitutional Commission), every one of the conditions, observations, considerations, suggestions and proposals made to us in the technical table will be taken into account,” he said.

Likewise, according to current regulations, the executive branch will report to Congress and the Permanent Commission every legislative order issued within the framework of delegated powers, Adrianson said.

“The matters proposed and supported by us through the Technical Committees of the Affiliated Institutions are related to compliance with the recommendations proposed by the OECD to achieve quality infrastructure implemented in a transparent, accountable and inclusive manner,” he said. Chairman of the Council of Ministers said.

The Ministers of Economy and Finance (José Arista), Health (Cesar Vasquez), Defense (Walter Astudillo), Justice (Eduardo Arana), Education (Morgan Crowe), Energy and Mines (Romulo Mucho) also participated in the meeting. But they spoke only for five minutes.

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