What did Mintransporte say about the decline in civil works production?

What did Mintransporte say about the decline in civil works production?

Amidst the concern expressed by the Colombian Chamber of Infrastructure (CCI), the sector will face “Historic Decline in Civil Works Production”The Ministry of Transport has investigated the matter.

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For context, the portfolio is referred to IPOC is an index that assesses physical progress and determines the evolution of the production of works, whether through public or private funding. AndIt applies to contracts implemented at national level and its sample includes contracts that add up to 80% of the total budgets to be implemented.

In this sense, the Ministry of Transport has indicated that the way in which these data are calculated is being used from the first quarter of 2021. “From an economic and statistical point of view, with a small sample of two years, it is not reasonable or statistically representative to confirm that historical changes are taking place in the indicator, but there is not enough information to do so.”

Additionally, the company emphasized that if they can “Comparisons of the last 10 quarters with data calculated from IPOC show that the behavior reflects seasonality in two periods of annual change to date. Not the historic change announced by the Colombian Chamber of Infrastructure (CCI) column”.

Quarterly comparison of IPOC

Ministry of Transport

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precisely, The ICC, through its Executive President Juan Martín Guisedo Ferrer, signed a seven-point proposal to reactivate the Colombian economy before the Finance and Transport Ministries.

Some of them are: solving the problem of contractual projects that cause difficulties, prompt tendering of new PPP projects that have already been constructed, guaranteeing the necessary budget allocation for the execution of Invias’ responsible projects, and developing strategic plans that integrate various resource sources. , among others.

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The debate started a few days ago, when the Department of National Statistics (DEN) released its quarterly report on the production of civil works, in which the indicator can be seen to have fallen by 17.9% year-on-year.

In this line of thought, the Ministry invited the trade association “Together with the private sector, we will guarantee constant reflection, criticism and self-criticism in a rigorous manner that allows strong progress in the infrastructure and transport sectors, fundamental to the construction of Colombia as a world power”.

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