When is Mother’s Day celebrated in Peru and around the world? | Answers

When is Mother’s Day celebrated in Peru and around the world?  |  Answers

For a long time the Mother’s Day In many countries around the world, it is a special date to celebrate women’s unconditional love and commitment to their children and everyone in their hearts. Also, it is an opportunity to remember and honor the important role they play in our lives and society in general.

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Mother’s Day: How Did This Holiday Come To Be?

In Peru, a group of students from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos is believed to have made the decision to commemorate mothers by establishing a better day. Later, on April 12, 1924, the National Congress issued Supreme Resolution No. 677, which officially established the celebration on the second Sunday of May every year.

On this day, sons thank their mothers for their unconditional love, protection and motherly care. On these dates, shopping centers are flooded as many people look for the best gifts to show their love to their mothers. However, the main purpose of this date is to make mothers feel loved and happy regardless of economic status.

Mother’s Day: Why is it celebrated every second Sunday in May?

Mother’s Day is observed on the second Sunday of every May in various countries such as the United States, Canada, Peru, Brazil and some European countries because the American activist Anna Jarvis, who fought for this celebration, chose this date. He set this date as his own mother’s death in May 1905.

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Anna Jarvis, American activist.

Therefore, Anna Jarvis thought it should be a date to honor all mothers for their sacrifice and love for their children and family. Therefore, she devoted herself to the official recognition of Mother’s Day in the United States. Finally, in 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May every year as a national holiday.

Mother’s Day and its meaning

On Mother’s Day, it is important to honor and remember all mothers as a way to show gratitude and respect for their dedication and sacrifice to the family in general. It is an opportunity to express affection and recognize the fundamental role they play in society.


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