When Science Thought The Earth Was The Center Of The Universe – Fireware

When Science Thought The Earth Was The Center Of The Universe – Fireware

Along with the strong influence of religion on science, it has been considered for centuries, in addition to some advances in the subject Earth was the center of the universe: it is geocentric. The logic of the time pointed out that everything, including the sun, revolved around the planet, being God’s creation.

It is thought to have been so since at least the 2nd century AD. One of the first applicants was a Greek mathematician and astronomer Claudius Ptolemy, A perfecting of Aristotle’s early ideas.

That is the main argument of geocentrism Earth appears to be stationary and other celestial bodies move around it.

Ptolemy proposed Complex model of epicycles and deferent: Epicycles were smaller circles that revolved around larger circles, called deferents. According to this, the planets moved in epicycles, while the diferents revolved around the Earth.

Power of religion and lack of scientific alternatives in different periods They allowed geocentrism to persist for nearly 1,500 years.

By the 16th century, Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proposed a new theory: heliocentrism.

It retained it The sun was the center of the universe, The main star around which two planets and other celestial bodies revolved.

Over time, the scientific community and society, including the then-powerful Catholic Church, They began to accept heliocentrism as the dominant astronomical theory.

Finally, geocentrism is forgotten… today though Flat earth remains, Geocentrists have no way of convincing themselves scientifically, except that they can occupy that space, and flat earthers (even if they don’t want to).

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