When will Family Economic Bonus arrive? | Check amount and payment dates with Systema Patria | Answers

When will Family Economic Bonus arrive?  |  Check amount and payment dates with Systema Patria |  Answers

One of the most important economic benefits provided Venezuela It is a family economic bonus whose purpose is to alleviate the severe economic crisis faced by millions of people in the country. This support starts rolling out this Monday, April 24 Native organization. Who will collect? In this note we tell you everything you need to know about this important aid in a difficult environment in Latin America.

Who gets Family Economic Bonus?

already started Family Economic BonusOne of the most anticipated grants Venezuela Provided by Govt Nicolás Maduro To address the crisis the country is experiencing as a result of international sanctions and the dire situation in which the Caribbean nation finds itself.

Who are the recipients of this important grant? To answer this question regarding Family Economic BonusIt is important to take into account the minimum requirements we mention below:

  • Register at Native organization.
  • Register at Hogares de la Patria.
  • Head of the family of Hogares de la Patria.
  • You must register your relatives in your family center Home system.

Step, it is important to remember that Home systemThe bonus is temporary, that is, you can get it once, but the site does not allow you to collect it in the next month.

What is Venezuela’s Patria System?

He Home system A site that was created four years ago Nicolás Maduro To distribute various allowances, grants, social benefits or bonuses awarded by his mandate to the most needy people of his country living in vulnerable situations as a result of various crises plaguing the country.

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He Home system Related to the Cornet de la Patria, an identity card created in 2017, according to media such as El Pais in Spain, Nicolás Maduro Wants to become a new ID card.

Chavismo asserts that at least 18 million People of Venezuela are already registered in Home systemAccording to analysts it could be simple propaganda or the real reason People of Venezuela They expect to be able to get a state bonus that is randomly distributed, meaning some people get it and others don’t, and no one knows exactly what the logic of the allocations is.

In this mechanism created to distribute payments, one must also add complexity that is not for everyone Venezuela Given that the majority of beneficiaries are elderly, digital-dominant and opposed to the succession of the late president, they do not have a cell phone or a popular national identity card. Venezuela Hugo Chavez, Nicolás Maduro.

Some media said that Home system, those outside the platform, for example, receive 1,800,000 bolivars per month in their bank accounts, equivalent to half a cent in dollars; However, registrants receive an additional bonus of three million bolivars called the “bonus against economic warfare.”

He Home system A baseless effort Venezuela Many Venezuelans rely on eating virtual and according to European media, Chavismo was able to create a database with socioeconomic information on the population benefiting from social programs, such as conducting surveys and diagnosing suspected COVID. 19.

to highlight from Home systemThey are almost all public sector employees except pensioners VenezuelaThey receive a roughly weekly or monthly bonus that often doubles or triples their salary.

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Finally, it is important to remember Home system It was first used in December 2019 to pay the Christmas bonus to the entire public sector in cryptocurrency. Nicolás Maduro, Petros. However, many are unable to use it due to failures in the transition and problems with virtual wallets that are not accepted by all businesses and currently do not exist. Venezuela.


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