Which countries will be the richest in Latin America in 2030? It reveals a study | Answers

Which countries will be the richest in Latin America in 2030?  It reveals a study |  Answers

Latin America It is not excluded from the changes in the global economy that will develop by 2030. A study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and Standard Chartered predicts that two countries in the region will be among the ten largest global economic powers within six years. They will experience significant economic growth. Next, we will tell you which Latin American countries we are talking about.

Which two countries in Latin America will be the richest in 2030?

Using Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Purchasing Power Supply (PPP) as its main tools, 'The Long View: How will the world economy change by 2050?' A report was published on the topic, which allowed fair comparisons to be made between world economies, providing a more accurate perspective of each country's true size and power.

Taking this into account, by 2030, Brazil Y Mexico They are the only countries in Latin America to be among the top 10 largest economies in the world. Brazil ranks eighth with an estimated GDP of $4,439 billion, making it South America's largest economy. For its part, Mexico will rank ninth with a projected GDP of $3,661 billion.

The economic growth of these countries is mainly due to the diversification of their resources and improvements in infrastructure and financial development policies, the paper says. Republic.

Which countries will be the 3 richest countries in the world by 2030?

China, America e India They will be the three dominant economies by 2030, projections reveal. China will continue to be the world's largest economy with a GDP of $38.008 trillion. The second place will be the US with 23,475 billion, while India will reach the third position with 19,511 billion dollars.

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Which country will beat United States in next years?

The country is on track to overtake the US as the world's second largest economy in the coming years India. Its rise is due to a combination of demographic factors and economic reforms.

First, given that it has the world's largest young population, India is benefiting from a significant boost in its economic growth. Also, its structural reforms, modernization of tax system and enforcement of bankruptcy law, have paved the way for rapid and sustainable economic growth.

Which other countries will experience economic growth by 2030?

Other countries etc Indonesia Y Russia They will experience significant growth in the coming years, highlighting the mentioned first nation, because thanks to the expansion of its industrial sector and the increase in domestic consumption, it will rise to the fifth place worldwide with a GDP of 5,424 trillion dollars.

In turn, Germany and Japan, traditionally strong economies, will retain key positions in the rankings, albeit with modest growth rates compared to emerging economies.


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