Guillermo Bermejo: The congressman hired a witness in his office who testified on his behalf in the terrorism trial. Case Details | National Crime Chamber | Congress | Quispe Palomino | principle

confirmed as Trade, Trinidad Abarca He began serving in the legislature in May 2022. He first served as a consultant to the Parliamentary Committee of the Democratic Party of Peru. Russet– Then, in April this year, he was directly transferred to the office Guillermo Bermejo Counselor II, where he remains to this day, according to Congressional records.

However, a few months before his appointment, Luis Miguel Trinidad was one of the witnesses presented by Abarca’s defense. Russet So that they can testify in their own defense and refute the charges leveled against them by the public ministry.

On September 22, 2021, Trinidad appeared as a witness in the hearings conducted by the Second National Criminal Court for Provisional Dissolution. He said he met there Russet At the end of 2003, on the march to reject the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States; And Bermejo was the leader of the “All Voices” movement that he decided to join and be a part of.

Trinidad Abarca denied any membership of the “All Voices” movement at the trial—that is, Russet– had some contact with the terrorist organization led by Quispe Palomino, and on the contrary, rejected them.

He pointed out that neither “All Voices” nor its members have met any member of the terrorist organization. and at exhibitions held in Vraem Russet He never spoke in support of the terrorist organization And? “He also didn’t meet any members.” The panel said in a judicial resolution issued on January 31, 2022.

/ Villarol Zurita Alexander

Trinidad Abarca was one of the seven witnesses who appeared in that judicial process Guillermo Bermejo. In 2006, Trinidad was prosecuted for links to a terrorist organization, but the case was finally closed in 2009.

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No one came to tell us, “Hello Lucho Trinidad, I’m the person affiliated with Sendero Luminoso.” It never happened and those associated with this terrorist organization were not presented to us as sub-groups of the ‘All Voices’ movement.He told the trial.

Although he was not formally employed in the office of Member of Parliament until September 2021, he frequently visited Congressional offices. Russet According to attendance record, before and after testifying before the court.

/ Villarol Zurita Alexander

The Second National Criminal Chamber on provisional dissolution decided to acquit Russet, but the process is still incomplete. The Supreme Court dismissed the appeals filed by the Prosecutor’s Office and the Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office, ordering a new oral hearing. This new process started on August 15.

proof’s Trade They explained that with knowledge of the case, Trinidad was provided by Abarca’s defense Russet, in written form, as one of the witnesses in favor of this new process. However, its existence is not verbal and therefore, as it is not recognized, it is not considered and cannot be testified.

From the referendum to change the constitution and some more

Before entering Congress, Trinidad Abarga was among those collecting signatures to call for a referendum on total reform of the Constitution. According to the records of the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE), it received two instruments for this purpose, both in August 2012 and October 2018.

Additionally, Trinidad Abarca merged with Perú Libre between October 2017 and October 2019, according to the Registry of Political Organizations. Now he appears as the founder, alternate legal representative and national organizational secretary of the Voces del Pueblo party. Russet It is still in the process of being registered with the election authorities.

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/ Villarol Zurita Alexander

And, despite already working in Parliament, he registered a sanction in the National Register of Lawyers Allowed for Professional Misconduct (RNAS) issued by the High Court of Cajamarca on Friday, January 13, which resulted in a fine.

This was just hours before the accused resigned his position as defense counsel for failing to pay family support. It is mentioned in RNAS “He is unfit for business”.

/ Villarol Zurita Alexander


In a message to this newspaper through a lawyer and congressional counsel RussetRonald Atencio confirmed that Trinidad Abarca had testified on behalf of the current Member of Parliament as the leader of the ‘All Voices’ movement when Trinidad Abarca met him 20 years ago. “It is necessary to clarify several details regarding the charge leveled against him.”.

I must make it clear that while I was a witness at that hearing, I did not serve in the office of the Congress Party or in this branch of the Legislature. I began to offer services in my capacity as a consultant to the Democratic Peru Bench, spokesman Congressman Carlos Zebalos, who arranged for my employment.“, he said.

(Photo: Facebook)

(Photo: Facebook)

He also said that he came to the office of Member of Parliament only this year. “As I have sufficient technical knowledge and professional experience to accept this position”.

“In this new investigation initiated against C.C. Russet (sic) In order to avoid doubt or misunderstanding I am not presented as a witness.He insisted.

Regarding the sanction imposed by the Cajamarca court, he indicated that he resigned because the accused person was incompetent.

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“Despite this, this court ordered me to be fined because I did not resign 24 hours before the hearing was scheduled, which is wrong.”He pointed out.


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  • On December 22, 2021, then-Judge Vargas, who was in charge of the First Single Criminal Court of Chiclayo, decided to release the congressman who acted as the author of the crime of defamation.

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