Midagri has set a target of issuing 30,000 rural property titles this year Peru

This Saturday July 22. Nellie Paredes, Minister of Agricultural Development and Irrigation and Regional Governor HuanucoAntonio Bulger presented Lucas, 973 Title actions From rural individual to small Producers. In this line, Pachitea will be able to access the various services offered by programs that encourage farmers in the province. Field activities.

Subsequently, the Minister of Agricultural Development addressed the participants and pointed out the importance of these measures: “Thanks to this intervention, landowners will have legal recognition and access to production and social development programs promoted by the government, which will contribute to their economic, family and community development.”

read more: The Ministry of Housing issued more than 4 thousand title deeds

What are the benefits of issuing property titles in Huánuco?

2,775 people benefited from 555 people Rural land rights Personal. These lands are equivalent to 394 hectares of crops and already have legal protection.

Issuance of property titles would allow the formalization of rural properties and small producers, both of whom would be able to access lines of credit from the financial system. Through this, citizens can improve their productive activities and increase their income.

The Minister of Community Development and Irrigation handed over 973 property rights in the city of Huánuco. Photo: Midakry

read more: Titles are awarded to the communities of Selva Alegre and Bello Horizonte in Loreto.

Will more property titles be issued?

The regional governor, Antonio Bulger, together with Midagre, predicted the ownership of 7,002 individual rural properties, 6 agricultural communities and one indigenous community. In addition, Nellie Paredes pointed out that the goal for this 2023 is to provide 30,000 rural property titles to improve the provision of better services to small producers as part of the “Con Panche Peru Agro” program.

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“We are, for the first time, working with the regional directorate of agriculture and agricultural agencies (in the country) in a clear manner because it should be a joint effort of our brothers and sisters in the rural areas,” he said.

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