Boeing canceled the launch of its Starliner space capsule at the last minute

Boeing canceled the launch of its Starliner space capsule at the last minute

Cape Canaveral, Florida – A last-minute problem halted the countdown to the launch of the space agency’s first flight with astronauts on Saturday. BoeingA recent development of persistent delays over the years.

Two astronauts from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, known as NASA, were waiting to take off in the company’s Starliner capsule when the computer system that controls the last minutes before liftoff automatically stopped the countdown at 3 minutes and 50 seconds.

Moments before departure on Saturday afternoon, there was no time to repair the last of the damage, so everything was cancelled. It was not immediately clear why the computers stopped counting.

Missile controllers are reviewing the data, said Dillon Rice of the United Launch Alliance. But the team is likely to try again as soon as Sunday.

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