Administrator declares state of emergency for 60 days in Badas and Trujillo due to spike in crime

Administrator declares state of emergency for 60 days in Badas and Trujillo due to spike in crime

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The executive branch announced state of emergency In the provinces of Pataz and Trujillo in the La Libertad region, ca 60 days, Crime is on the rise.

This is what I declaredOr Premier Alberto OtterolaBriefing to the press after the meeting of the Council of Ministers held from 9 am today, Monday.

First, we decided to declare a state of emergency in the entire province TrujilloWith internal control under the responsibility of the National Police, supported by the armed forces,” he said.

As he said Otarola Benaranda“Last year there were over 30,000 crimes in Trujillo, 11,000 thefts and robberies across the province.”

“In this year 2024, there will be almost one death per day. As a result, many gangs and criminal organizations are harming especially dense and populated areas: Trujillo, La Esperanza, El Porvenir, Florencia de Moraetc”, he pointed out.

“For this reason, for 60 days, it has been decided to declare the entire province of Trujillo and all its districts under a state of emergency, in which situation the PNP will work energetically with the support of the FF. AA ., together with regional and local authorities so that they can face this crime wave,” he added.

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Crimes related to illegal mining are on the rise

In Badas province, Otarola Benaranda He pointed out that crime related to illegal mining has increased.

“In Batas, we saw with astonishment how vandalism of high-voltage towers was recorded – 7 towers were blown up -, dynamite attacks, (and) uncontrolled development of illegal mining. We are facing more than 20 organized gangs (…) about what to think about the safety of citizens. Bad expression found: Extortion, labor exploitation, sexual exploitation, pimping, arms smuggling, smuggling of chemical inputs” he insisted.

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“That is why it has been decided that for 60 days, the armed forces will immediately intervene in Badass, in control of internal order, respecting fundamental rights, international humanitarian law and the rules on the use of force,” he added.

“Until these crime waves are firmly controlled, the focus on shopping malls, social events and programs will be suspended from midnight to 4 am” in both the provinces, the head of PCM highlighted.

A decision on the state of emergency was taken in the cabinet meetingFuente: PCM

For its part, Interior Minister, Victor Torres A few days ago, in a meeting with the regional governor of La Libertad, César Acuna, he indicated that the move was beginning to take shape.

“We had a meeting chaired by the President a few days ago. With the governor of La Libertad, Cesar Aguna (…), the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Justice and whoever spoke to solve issues related to citizen security and crime,” he recalled.

“The PNP will increase its operations with the support of the armed forces. The number of criminal investigation personnel, DINOES, intelligence and all areas of the police will be increased,” he added.

Regarding Pataz, Torres Falcón emphasized, “The problem of illegal mining is there, which causes all the criminal problems that lead to human trafficking, contract killings, extortion, etc.”

“The number of troops of both the armed forces and the police will be increased in coordination with the Judiciary, Judiciary, Public Ministry, Flarant Delicto Units and all other departments that may be merged,” he pointed out.

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