Arequipa: This Thursday, May 11, hearings on Minera Yanaquihua SAC. 27 people died Peru

Arequipa: This Thursday, May 11, hearings on Minera Yanaquihua SAC.  27 people died  Peru

Special Committee on Regional Energy and Mining Administration Arequipa, transferred to Minera Yanaquihua SAC’s facilities last Monday. To collect information about the accident that caused the accident 27 miners dieIts research mission ends this Thursday, May 11.

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Regional Manager of Energy and Mines Yakir Rosas said he had a preliminary report on the working conditions of the mining company this Thursday. It will be known more precisely whether or not the company complies with occupational health and safety standards, whether the equipment was in good condition and worked properly, what jobs they did other than exploitation, how many employees are working, among others. Features..

With the investigation carried out by the Condesuyos Provincial Criminal Prosecutor and the information included with the report of the National Labor Survey (Sunafil), the responsibilities and target of the offer will be determined.

“Based on the documents provided to us by the board, we are going to decide whether to temporarily or permanently shut down operations at Esperanza I. We can only decide about the operation, but not about the company,” the official said.

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Case Responsibilities

Energy and Mines Regional Manager Minera Yanaquihua SAC explained. Sermigold EIRL was subcontracted for the Esperanza I operation. After the accident, the official noted that there should be a shared responsibility between the mining company and the subcontractor, but the bulk of the responsibility falls on Minera Yanaquihua SAC. For being a concession holder.

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“I hope the ministry will also revoke the resolution they gave Cermigold EIRL, the company has received a resolution from the Directorate General of Mining to operate and develop mining operations,” Rosas said.


The deaths of 27 workers on May 6 were not the only deaths recorded at Minera Yanaquihua SAC. Four other workers died while working on their concession. The deaths were recorded in December 2018, October 2019, March 2020 and September 2022. According to the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem), Yanaquihua SAC’s Frequency and Severity Index of Work Accidents. 430 occupational accidents are reported till 2022.

“The document has been submitted to the Public Ministry to proceed with the criminal investigation (on the other deceased). Administratively, there is no sanction document and no penalty in this regard. Based on the documents, it appears that an inspection was carried out after the accident in September 2022,” Yakir Rosas said.

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Limited resources

The manager recognized that inspection activities for small-scale mining and artisanal mining, which are the responsibility of regional governments, should be carried out at least once a year. According to the official, they planned to audit the Yanaquihua SAC. At the end of June.

In the Mining Inspection Division of the Regional Energy and Mining Administration, there is only one head, three engineers and an assistant registered in the Comprehensive Register (Reinfo) of 17,000 mines, whether a natural or legal person. Fewer than 2,000 of them have been formalized. To meet this demand, at least 25 to 30 professionals are required.

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Further studies

Daisy Manrique García, regional director of the National Labor Survey (SUNAFIL), noted that Yanagihua SAC was incorporated on May 8. To comply with its inspection work in accordance with social and labor regulations.

“We have checked compliance with the Life Insurance Act, payment of salary, registration in payroll. The 27 workers who died were from Servicios Mineros Gold. We ask for documents from the company. All additional verifications are confidential and cannot serve any additional purpose. We are still investigating and will have some results in 25 days,” he said.

Minor report

Yanagihua Mining Company said in a statement that after the process of distributing the remains of the 27 dead miners, they will help their families so that their relevant labor and social rights will be fulfilled. He reiterated his predilection for controls, supervision and control by competent authorities.


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