Artificial intelligence and recycling, the ‘boom’ for a circular economy

Artificial intelligence and recycling, the ‘boom’ for a circular economy

If anything has been clear to us by now, it’s that Artificial Intelligence (AI) He is a star The great revolution of the 21st century. A revolution that will affect all economic sectors, improve business efficiency and promote a more fair and environmentally friendly economic system. Catalan company aware of this Piquisa It has been developing technologies for the recycling industry for over 20 years Separation, sorting and treatment of plastic, glass and textile wasteMainly and reduce labor cost. Additionally, the company was one of the first to become part of the program DefactoryA building is operated Barcelona Free Zone Federation (CZFB) Trying to improve Industry 4.0 Through a commercial and innovative ecosystem.

“We are at a time when textile and glass manufacturers are increasingly looking to re-introduce used materials into the value chain,” said Joanne Manell C., CEO of Bigvisa. explained to EL PERIÓDICO. Thus, change with the intention of increasing speed A circular economy modelThe company develops various solutions through technologies such as Intelligence and Artificial Vision, Internet of Things (IoT), Data Automation and ‘Deep Learning’, select and classify materials based on composition, shape and color. “As we automate the process, the percentage of efficiency, effectiveness and cleanliness in waste separation is rising,” says Kazamidjana.

“When we automate the process, the efficiency, effectiveness and percentage of cleanliness in waste segregation goes up”

Joan Manel Kazamidjana, General Director of Pikwisa

They already have more 400 groups have been created through Picvisa Distributed to various companies and recycling plants around the world such as Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, Italy and France. “We work with about 70 or 80 companies annually, and we’re in 16 countries,” Kasamidjana explains. Additionally, since 2012, Picvisa has been part of Khalaf groupA construction company formed by specialized companies Construction, Civil Works, Environment and Technology Solutions, has provided more resources and capabilities to develop technologies capable of renewing and transforming the recycling industry. The CEO of Pivcisa sees this, “By joining the Calaf team, we stopped being an SME and started building a strategic plan that knew how to manage 1000 and one technologies.

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In particular, Piquiza stands out for its leadership in the market based on optical splitters Artificial vision to automate and optimize recycling plants. These technologies can perceive, understand, act and learn while interpreting scenes and identifying objects. Therefore, the company has four leading products in the recycling industry: optical sorting, robotics, brain and maintenance.

Optical Sorting Uses recycling and optical sorting Textile, plastic and glass waste recovery; On the other hand, Robotics Provides intelligent and customized robotic solutions to automate tasks Identification and segregation and implementation of quality controls This allows the recovery of the last kilo of material that escaped; the brainIn the words of Kazamidjana, “The ‘knowledge’ of all our products& rdquor ;, a service provided by Picvisa to analytics and feasibility studies companies; Finally, Maintenance Is he After sales service and technical assistance To ensure all equipment is running at peak efficiency.

Parallel to these products, the Catalan company has implemented Testing Center, a full-scale testing plant where any of its customers can carry out tests. Thus, companies that have contracted BigVisa services can Industrial-scale trials of waste recovery and recycling and artificial vision and sensor technology testing With own equipment. “At the test center, our customers can carry out feasibility tests and test equipment in a non-production environment,” says Joanne Manel Kazamidjana.

Picvisa is one of thirty companies selected to work with the company Defactory, a link to Industry 4.0 in Barcelona. It is a center promoted by CZFB It seeks to make Barcelona a center of 4.0 innovation in Southern Europe and promotes the creation of an ecosystem to attract talent, technology and investment.. “As the idea of ​​building this building was presented, we were asked to create a part of it,” says the CEO of Pikwisa. Additionally, being inside the defactory “allowed us to collaborate with other technology companies and develop new products that were in their infancy,” Kasamidjana points out. “DeFactory has given us high-speed promotion, visualization and projection,” he added.

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