Bet on technology to promote recycling in Panama – Tech

Bet on technology to promote recycling in Panama – Tech

(Panama City-ANPanama) With the aim of promoting environmental culture and providing more recycling opportunities in homes and businesses in Panama City, the Móvil Liberr platform, together with Tetra Pak, is committed to the innovation of connecting recycling companies with users through the “Tu Papel Cuenta” project.

Users can easily find recycling collection companies, among them: Ecologica PTY, Geoazul and JL Ingeniería, because Liberr is an application for Android and iOS that has an icon to request the collection service, identified with the “Tú Papel Cuenta” logo. .

Recycling is considered one of the key factors of a circular economy with low carbon emissions, which is why, to increase recycling in Panama until July 31, 2023, users using the Liberr app can request a free recyclable material collection service when they enter the word “recycling” in the coupon section.

Similarly, Liberr will offer a 10% cashback incentive for paying with Mastercard cards for one year. Recycled materials include Tetra Pak containers, which must be delivered clean, dry and flat, aluminum, PET, cardboard and paper.

Tetra Pak’s sustainability manager, Denise Cisneros, assured that it is important to be able to recycle and how to properly separate each piece of waste produced.

“We know that the recycling industry is in the midst of growth, and today, thanks to the integration of technology, we can do it from mobile phones and better manage the collection of usable waste,” Cisneros added.

Meanwhile, Jorge Ramírez, CEO of Liberr, said that recycling is an important aspect that concerns everyone, to create environmental improvement, hand in hand with technology, Liberr offers the opportunity to identify these services and facilitate their request and collection. A fast, easy and safe way, the professionals involved will provide the optimal solution and management for recycling.

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