Boards and Chambers of Commerce indicate how to boost the economy

Boards and Chambers of Commerce indicate how to boost the economy

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha and the Council of the Chamber of Commerce of Castilla-La Mancha will meet this Wednesday to continue the common work they are developing based on youth employment, promoting innovation and digitization of SMEs or supporting local businesses. , among others.

The Minister of Economy, Trade and Employment, Patricia Franco, held a working meeting with María de Los Angeles Martínez, President of the Regional Council of Chambers, in which they shared the progress and future challenges to be faced through these cooperation channels. .

In a meeting attended by Javier Rosal, General Director of the Companies, and Jose Manuel Campillo, General Secretary of the Council, the lines of cooperation developed by the Regional Executives and Chambers of Commerce. Digital transformation, innovation and sustainability projects developed with the support of FEDER funds, or the development and promotion of youth employment, which are developed within the framework of a regional government multi-year contract. Trade of the region.

In addition, within the framework of the meeting, other issues and areas where the two organizations work together were presented, such as diagnostic projects and support for retail activities in the region, as well as the importance of strengthening cooperation. Vocational training.

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