Department of National Planning: Interview on Development Plan – Sectors – Economy

The government is ‘shirting’ to improve budget execution figures It is important to boost the economy at a time when the economy is sluggish.

In an interview with El TIEMPO, Jorge Ivan González, director of the Department of National Planning (DNP), spoke about the role and ambition of the government. Objectives to be achieved to carry out the development plan. Among them, updating 70 percent of the multi-purpose cadastre.

(Also Read: Agriculture Minister: Talks about portfolio plans and budget implementation)

The economy continued to slow in the second quarter, growing by 0.3 percent. What can the government do?

We came from a temporary boom after Covid-19, so now government participation is essential. Housing or infrastructure policies can have a multi-fold impact.

Now is the time to think about how the public budget can contribute to recovery. We estimate that for every peso in public investment, 4 pesos are moved from the private sector, meaning that leverage is very strong.

This should concern the state and call for accelerated investment. I think that’s a concern for the president. Ministries are quick to implement and invest.

Claims of under-execution are on the table…

If we compare the first semester of all governments, that of Uribe (Alvaro), Santos (Juan Manuel) or Duque (Ivan) with Pedro, we are more or less on average. It’s not that the execution is too bad, it’s just that we’re not too far removed from what happened before. The first semester is difficult because it is the time to adjust to the new development plan as the program changes.

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(Also Read: Challenges of Agrarian Reform: Beyond Land Acquisition)

But even the President has issued a warning.

The President’s message is very harsh. You have to implement and you have to invest quickly because it is the country’s responsibility to keep economic activity from collapsing. It is an awareness that public works should use all means It should revive the economy.

How is Plan for National Development (PND) implemented?

The first thing is to socialize the project so that people know about it. In addition, planning has a coordination function with ministries, governors and mayors with the aim of revealing 640 investment projects. Due to the lack of dialogue at the government level, they should be prioritized.

Could it slow down ahead of regional elections?

No, the guidelines are clear. For example, The Ministry of Agriculture is aware of the need to advance agrarian reform and multi-purpose cadastre.; Accelerate housing, subsidies; Or to get education, university places. No interruptions. The problem has been planning all these years.

Jorge Ivan González, Director of National Planning, at the launch of the Social Registry of Families,

Jorge Ivan Gonzalez, Director of National Planning.


Mauricio Moreno/El Tiempo

So the problem isn’t one of resources?

That’s how it is. For example, in 10 years, La Guajira received between 0.5 and 5 billion pesos in royalties, which is dispersed across 1,055 projects. Buy pumps to draw water from wells, no maintenance.

When you have wide dispersion, you don’t touch structural issues. A long-term view is needed. Fewer plans, but more strategy.

At the end of May, planning started a social register of houses. What does it contain?

There are already 55 million records. We are collecting all the information of the companies to overcome it Know who actually needs subsidies and who pays taxes.

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What we want is that we can have enough information to rule out the rest in the long run Families are active or targeted tools such as Sispen. All this will happen as technology develops. Currently, there is a dearth of information, especially in the lower income range.

Is there an established date for Sispen’s disappearance?

Not until we have enough information. How much money a taxi driver makes thanks to technologyA shopkeeper or a street vendor because the consumer pays directly through his cell phone.

(Also read: Are we on the brink of a recession? Government, business and experts analyze the panorama)


How many people are there on Sisbén and have you identified who really doesn’t need it?

The calculation is difficult because it depends on the municipalities. Inclusion and exclusion errors change, but for example when one crosses People receiving utility subsidy With the Sisbén scores, there are probably 3.5 million people who don’t need them because they have higher income levels than defined by the strata.

In future, will the native be counted, but the previous year’s income?

Correct. Ability to pay each year. For example, if a family living in a high-rise house has many financial problems in a year, it can get a subsidized rate.

The PND established a target of improving 70 percent of the multipurpose cadastre. Are they going to accomplish it?

The president is desperate, and I think that’s a big challenge. It can, says Agustin Codacci, director of the Institute of Geology (ICAC). It is estimated that by the end of four years, 660 municipalities will have a multi-purpose cadastre.

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If the government has any priority in agricultural matters, it is only for cadastry, this is the agricultural revolution. But Igac technology is very backward and needs to be improved. However, we believe that this goal, one of the most difficult in the program, can be achieved.


Is the target of land transfer to farmers in agrarian reform still 3 million hectares?

Yes, the President insists on 3 million.

But Agriculture Minister Jennifer Mojica told EL TIEMPO that over this four-year period, 1.5 million…

Our target is 3 million and we are there nowWhat happens is that it is a very complex task.

The plan also talks about increasing exports of non-mining energy products. Is it necessary to quit oil?

Yes, in a progressive way. Currently we are making progress in tourism and non-traditional exports. Commerce Minister has talked about reindustrialization. But well, it’s a process that we can do quickly, but it takes time. We are heavily dependent on coal and oil, which cannot be replaced from one moment to the next..

A planning study suggests that a higher carbon tax would reduce CO2 emissions and increase tax revenue. Is it necessary to raise it?

Colombia 5 dollars a ton, in other countries already 40 dollars. We must move the market to increasingly demand and acquire resources. We are going to give importance to it. I think the theme Financing a green economy is critical.

Nolia sigenza riao
Writing Economics and Business
An X: @noe_cig

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