Find out if Wednesday June 7 is a holiday in Peru | Arica War | Flag Day | composition

Find out if Wednesday June 7 is a holiday in Peru |  Arica War |  Flag Day |  composition

Peru has a total of 14 official holidays, and the Republican Congress approved one for Wednesday, June 7. Battle of Arica and Flag Day. Is the holiday relevant to this 2023? Management tells what they know about the holiday.

After Long holiday for Labor DayThere is confusion whether it will be held on May 1 or not The next day is a holiday on June 7 to workers and educational institutions across the country. Next, find out what happens on that date.

Every June 7, the Plaza Bolognese becomes the main stage for the celebration of Flag Day (Photo: GEC)

Is June 7 a holiday in Peru?

It is not yet known whether June 7 is a holiday Or, at least, if it was this 2023. On April 28, Congress approved the declaration plan The date commemorates the Battle of Arica and Flag Day.

A legislative proposal has been received 91 votes in favor, two votes against, and no votes. Then, the release of the second vote was approved, and the signature was sent to the executive authority for its declaration. However, the signature has not been signed yet.

Labor lawyer César Puntriano Rosas explained to the newspaper what June 7 was not officially established as a national holiday and explained by President Tina Polwarte. Consists of 15 business days Enact you observe Standard proposition. Till the preparation of this note, none of these activities have been undertaken.

It is important to comment that the President has 15 business days to announce or comply with the proposed regulation, which has not happened to date, so, we reiterate, there is no new holiday yet.He explained.

The Peruvian president, Tina Poluarte, must decide whether June 7 is a holiday (Photo: GEC)

What are the holidays in June?

At this time, the only holiday in June is a Catholic holiday St. Peter and St. PaulIt is celebrated on June 29 and applies to both private and public sectors.

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What is the difference between a holiday and a non-working day?

  • holiday A holiday is a holiday on which workers in the government and private sectors can stop working. The same happens with students who stop attending classes. If an employee works on this day, they will receive extra pay, usually triple, even if it is a Sunday.
  • holiday A non-working day is mandated by the incumbent government and is aimed at the public sector. In the private sector, the employer decides whether their workers work or not. If an employee works casually, it does not mean that they will get additional payment as they will only get the same salary without increment. Those taking time off should make up that time with overtime, work Saturdays, or treat them as part of a vacation.

Find the complete list of holidays and non-working days in Peru 2023 here


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