Four killed in Pachagamak carnage: A gruesome scene of the crime took police by surprise

Four killed in Pachagamak carnage: A gruesome scene of the crime took police by surprise
Four people were attacked in a house in Pachagamak. (USA TV)

When police entered the home of the San Carlos Bajo ranch located in PachacamacAfter a call from the housekeeper, he sees a scene that looks like something out of a mafia movie: bodies scattered across the room with multiple impacts. Bullet and blood everywhere. Due to the manner in which the bodies were disposed of, it is believed that the accused were guilty Attackers They aimed to leave a clear and threatening message.

Events happened Friday morning. Three Four victims They were identified as James Andrew Palomino Vega, Camilo Jr. Torres Huaihuata and Luis Miguel Ares Guispe. They would have had one A meeting of friends When they were surprised by the assassins.

Postmortem certificates indicated that all four victims had “puncture-deformation injuries to the head” or Bullet impacts.

However, the bearer of the worst part Luis Miguel Arrece Quispe He presented with “multiple piercing and penetrating wounds from rifle projectiles on the head, chest, abdomen, upper and lower limbs”.

It was the housekeeper who had been hiding in another part of the house for several hours and informed the police. (PNP)

Several murders were reported about five hours after the crime was committed by a domestic worker. Miracles G.S., who had It was hidden all that time In the warehouse of the house to hide from the killers.

First information suggests that They would have been two successful men who did Massacre at Pacchamak And there are many theories about the motive for the attack, but that information is currently being classified.

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“Everything points to the culprits being foreign assailants linked to the illegal drug-trafficking mafia,” a police representative said, according to the newspaper. Republic.

However, in the police department, James Andres Palomino Vega filed a complaint aggravated robbery in 2014 and one charge in 2010; In Danco, Camilo Jr. was charged with illegal possession of weapons by Torres Huahuata in a 2013 land robbery case in Santa Anita.

This house is located in HB, Sector H of the San Carlos Bajo Farm, in the rural town center of Santa Anita, in the district of Pachacamac. (PNP)

In recent months, murders seem to be a constant reality in metropolitan Lima. Almost every day we wake up with news of a murder in the capital. According to data provided by the Peruvian National Police, most of these cases Contract killings or contract killings are crimes.

According to the news published by the newspaper republic, Figures reveal 700 murders by gun or knife in the capital in 2022. In these cases, 367 are designated criminals or hired killers, This represents a significant increase of 52.42%.

In 2023, the trend continues to increase. Between January and April this year, 220 gun and knife murders were recorded. this, 118 cases were murders for hire, i.e., more than 53.63%. These figures indicate that by the end of this year, contract killings will exceed what happened in 2022.

The Lima districts that provided the most cases of gun and knife homicides between January and December 2022 were:

St. John of Luricancho 138

– San Martin de Porres 80

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– 59 ate

– Comas 54

– Lima Valley 36

– Olive trees 34

– Augustinian 31

– San Juan de Miraflores 24

-Villa Maria del Trinfo 23

– Win 20

– Pacchamac 20

-Villa El Salvador 20

– Independence 17

– Stone bridge 16

– Carabailo 16

– Santa Anita 15

– Chorillos 13

– Less than 10 other districts

Districts of the capital have been given the most Homicide cases between January and April 2023:

– I ate 20

– San Juan de Luricancho 19

-Villa Maria del Trinfo 12

– Stone bridge 9

— St. Martin de Porus 8

– San Juan de Miraflores 8

– Comas 7

— St. Michael 7

– Pachacamag 4

– Augustinian 3

– Olive trees 3

– Rimac 3

– Independence 2

– Success 2

– Lurin 2

-Villa El Salvador 2

– Other Districts 1


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