Henry Spencer regrets debate with Carlos Alcantara: “Sorry, he didn’t want to talk to me”

Henry Spencer regrets debate with Carlos Alcantara: “Sorry, he didn’t want to talk to me”
Henry Spencer regrets that Carlos Alcantara doesn’t want to talk to him. (internet)

Luis Carlos BorneoBetter known as Henry Spencer Through his YouTube channel ‘Henry Spencer’s Room’He talked about the fight with him Carlos Alcantara. The content creator had an interview with comedian Jorge Talavera, where he addressed the controversy surrounding the actor’s revelations about his experience making movies.

That’s it, I remembered ‘Machin Alberto’ He was criticized when he admitted to watching some tutorials on the internet to direct the fourth film. ‘Asu mare’. “I never studied direction, but now when I had to direct I started watching some tutorials. I am trained in directing and not trained in cinema. If you ask me about cinema, I don’t know much,” said the comedian.

His statements were made to answer the questions Henry Spencer The comedian’s feud with the YouTuber began at the premiere of the Peruvian film Avant this February 2023. As the influencer explained, Carlos Alcantara He would have hoped that his questions would make him uncomfortable and create controversy in the media.

“He fought me. He appeared in several interviews and said, ‘This kid’s 16 years old, ready to be famous, and he’s already won a Lucius Beuys Award.’ He’s upset because he’s totally wrong that I went on the red carpet to screw him,” Spencer began.

however, Luis Carlos Borneo He promised that it was wrong, because he had always assumed Carlos Alcantara An inspiration to do stand-up. Also, he appreciated the work he had done ‘Asu mare’ In recent years, she has admitted that she has been her greatest admirer since childhood.

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In the same line, Henry Spencer He was very sorry for the situation of the Peruvian artist and indicated that he wanted to communicate with him to resolve their differences. “Carlos, very unfortunately, I don’t understand why, I want to talk to him, he has given interviews saying that he is very upset with me, that I went to bother him and that I joined others. Destroy his work.”

“I am very sorry. I have made great efforts to talk to close friends, intermediaries, and Carlos. He didn’t want to talk to me. Not even to interview him, to approach him and say, ‘Hey, Carlos, I’d like to explain that I went on your carpet to argue about a topic that was a trend.’ No one took it the wrong way,” he added.

“I don’t understand how Carlos Alcantara believes or that I went to hurt him or bother him, but no. On the contrary, I admire him very much, I admire him very much. So, it feels very strange, but you have to accept that I don’t want to talk to myself, But sorry,” he concluded.

Henry Spencer clarifies a discussion with Carlos Alcantara. (catch)

Criticisms against Carlos Alcantara They didn’t wait, not because they didn’t study film direction and decided to only watch tutorials on YouTube, but because they had the financial resources to do so, they decided not to learn professionally.

“The thing that bothers me about what’s happening with Carlos Alcantara is that although you don’t need to study to be a director, it’s important to specialize. (…) Supporting a film with only exercises, without a guiding and supporting cinematography base, makes commercial cinema in Peru even worse,” he said. said one user.

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