Lima Metro: The first phase of Line 2 will start operating by the end of the year

Jose AguilarChief Executive Officer FurtherHe indicated that around 40,000 digital cards will be purchased to begin with “White March” At this point the first underground metro was built Lima.

By the end of the year, the first phase Line 2 of the Lima Metro It has been reported that five kilometers which have already been completed will be operational on a trial basis Jose AguilarChief Executive Officer Urban Transport Authority (ATU) for Lima and Cala.

About 40,000 digital cards will be purchased to mark the start of the “white parade” of this phase of the first underground metro to be built in the Peruvian capital, the official told the official Andina news agency.

“We stand by our date, by the end of the year, (the districts’) users ate Y Santa Anita Maybe using five stations,” Aguilar noted.

So far the seasons have been fully completed avoidance, Santa Anita Oval, Occupation Collector, Hermilio Waldison Y Santa Anita MarketAll are located in Level 1A of the work, between At and Santa Anita, districts located east of metropolitan Lima.

Minister of Transport and Communication, Paula LazarteIt announced at the end of last May Further Responsible for obtaining travel cards Subway line 2When completed it will connect the ten districts of Lima from Ate to the port of Callo.

“We hope to make an announcement with the minister in the next few days. But we are already in the process of purchasing the cards to be compatible with the ATU,” Aguilar explained in this regard.

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The official noted that the road test schedule is maintained and the cards can be used later with other transport services, such as the bus system. Metropolis And its complementary corridors, as well Subway Line 1It currently operates at a distance of 35 kilometers from the city.

In this way, Line 2 covers 27 km through the districts ate, Santa Anita, Augustinian, Saint Louis, success, Lima Valley, Brenna, Beautiful view, Carmen de la Legua And this CalloWith an automated system, without drivers, and a 7.5-kilometer branch connecting Lima International Airport and the already planned Line 4.

When it becomes operational, starting in 2011, Line 2 will be added to the first elevated viaduct running 35 kilometers between the districts of Lima. Villa El Salvador Y St. John of Luricancho.

Peruvian officials have indicated that they hope to make Lines 3 and 4 of the Lima Metro public works, through an agreement with another country’s government to save costs compared to Line 2.

(with information from EFE)

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