Mining: LPG market in country to return to 100% normality in next days | Peru

Mining: LPG market in country to return to 100% normality in next days |  Peru

Luis Alberto García Cornejo, General Director of Hydrocarbons of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (mine), commented that he would unload a second ship in the following days GLPThis will normalize the distribution to 100% Flammable in the country.

“Already one ship has been unloaded, so I think tomorrow it may return to normal, we have another ship to be unloaded in the next days, which should start normalizing the market. In other words, one ship will be missing to normalize the market 100%.He pointed out in an interview with RPP.

“If we’ve already been able to unload a ship, it’s because the tide has calmed down at that terminal, so we’re waiting for the trend to calm down and we can unload the next ship.” Added.

read more: Minem announces resumption of LPG discharge at Gallo terminals

Cornejo noted that within this framework, 70% of LPG is national and produced in Pisco, while the rest is mainly imported from the United States. So, where are these two ways Flammable Distribute nationwide.

Additionally, faced with this type of problem, he explained, companies are beginning to limit their inventory to avoid churning out their products. For this reason, the action taken by the government is to authorize them to consume their stock to supply the market and create a deficit.

It is noteworthy that 67,000 barrels have been unloaded since yesterday GLP to the terminal of Zeta Gas Company at Ventanilla (Gallao) by vessel “Golka”.

Also, the mine In parallel, they are waiting for the port authorities to discharge the LPG stored on board the “Mar Pacífico” to the Zeta Gas and Petroperú plants located in the Ventanilla district.

read more: SPGL: LPG supply will be regularized at stations in next few hours

Conversion of vehicles to CNG

On the other hand, the Director General of Hydrocarbons commented that a cabinet resolution came out over the weekend to allow companies to consume and supply the market with less than their reserves. Another step taken by the government is to set aside a budget to finance the conversion of cars from LPG to natural gas for vehicles (CNG).

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“This is part of the already approved budget, the plan With Panche Peru, to facilitate change. This means vehicles will migrate to the fuel that is more readily available in the country, reducing this problem with LPG.”Accurate.

With this, it seeks to migrate to CNG, as anyone can convert their vehicle to gas with S / 2,000 financing without taking it to a workshop and returning it.

“This is a grant from the government and the remaining S/ 2,000 can be financed without interest.” Added.

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