MVCS and Municipalities Develop Urban Plan Around Sanke Megaport | economy

MVCS and Municipalities Develop Urban Plan Around Sanke Megaport |  economy

Ministry of Housing, Construction and Health (MVCS) announced that the department and various municipal authorities would develop regional and urban plans in response to population and business growth. Chanke Harbour.

To this end, the Ministry signed an inter-agency collaboration agreement for the Huaral Territorial Conditioning Project and the preparation of Urban Development Plans for Sanke and Augallama Districts.

These are jurisdictions close to a port mega-project that seeks to make Peru the first Pacific port logistics hub in Latin America.

The document was signed by Hernán Navarro Franco, Deputy Minister of Housing and Urban Planning; Mayor of Huaral Province, Fernando Cárdenas Sánchez; and the district mayors of Sankey, Juan Alvarez Andrade and Agulama, Edwin Valdivia Santiago.

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Scope of the Agreement

The scope of this subscription – MVCS explained – includes an analysis and proposal on the impact of the future port hub Sanke.

MVCS will work with municipalities to develop programs that will encourage the participation process of various actors and the general public.

Minister of Housing, Construction and Health, Hania Perez de GuillerHe highlighted that the signing of the agreement marks a milestone in the regional planning of cities in the northern part of the country.

The Minister indicated that this planning will be developed accordingly Developing water, sanitation and housing programs that contribute to closing gaps.

“Today marks a milestone for the future of Aukallama, Hural and Sanke. Hand in hand with your authorities, we are going to elaborate (…) the Regional Rehabilitation Plan and Urban Development Plans in these jurisdictions as a framework.”, he revealed.

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What does the contract establish?

The preparation of the Huaral Territorial Conditioning Plan will allow Promotes development of geographical areaThrough adequate occupation, sustainable use of resources, as well as conservation and preservation of natural and cultural heritage.

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The urban development plans of Sanke, Hural and Augallama districts seek to provide infrastructure. and the urban services necessary for the functioning of these cities in order to take advantage of the competitive advantages of each district, among other aspects, to improve the quality of life of the people.

“We need to work on these planning tools, but also to be very proactive in closing the gaps, especially in water and sanitation, but also in housing”The minister emphasized.

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This will increase the housing demand manifold

He said that the launch of Megaport could increase the demand for housing by five times. Therefore, he pointed out, proper planning of land uses is essential.

“Urban and Regional Planning of Sanque, Lima Norte and Calao Ach will make possible the comprehensive intervention of the Ministry of Housing” Pérez de Cuéllar said.

For this purpose, a special plan will be created for the Clao – Ancón – Chancay axis, which will have the objective of programming, managing and implementing the necessary actions to carry out a comprehensive intervention through the various projects of this sector.


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