mypes-software-development | National Mips Day: How can technology boost their growth and competitiveness? | Cheka

mypes-software-development |  National Mips Day: How can technology boost their growth and competitiveness?  |  Cheka

This May 15th, The Micro and Small Enterprises (MYPES) in the country. This date is an opportunity to recognize the important role MYPES plays in the economy; Creating employment, promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and contributing to growth.

According to data from the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE), MYPES represent more than 98% of all enterprises in our country and generate more than 80% of employment in the private sector. Additionally, they contribute about 45% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

MYPES are important because they contribute to job creation and create economic opportunities in local communities. Additionally, its presence in the economy allows for a greater diversity of products and services for consumers, which translates into greater offerings and better prices.

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In this regard, Bruno Vaccaro, business manager of DiFontana Peru, new technologies provide important digital resources in the development of Mips, one of which is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software, which allows to automate and manage everything. Business processes in real-time, access to company information from anywhere with an internet connection.

The expert points out that thanks to this tool, various areas of the business can be improved, productivity increased and costs reduced. In the case of Defontana ERP software, which is 100% web and considered a complete solution for all company management processes, Vaccaro explains the biggest advantages of this important digital alternative:

  1. Availability of updated data. With ERP software, real-time data is collected, making it easier to make decisions based on up-to-date information. Facilitates computerized reporting and analysis.
  2. Seamless collaboration between departments. By consolidating business processes on a single platform, collaboration between departments is favoured, which translates into improved communication and fewer errors. On the other hand, employees can access the required information in real time from any device and geographical location.
  3. Reduction of manual processes. This eliminates manual and repetitive processes thanks to the fact that the information is automatically updated when the system records changes (for example, when there is an inventory cycle). In this way, we save labor costs and reduce errors in data entry, which provides reliability in decision making.
  4. Advances in Information Security. It provides a centralized platform to manage business information, improve information security and reduce the risk of data loss. In conclusion, it provides a more secure and transparent management that allows us to make decisions with greater confidence in the integrity of the data we have.
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Another point to highlight about mips is that they are a source of innovation and entrepreneurship. Many of today’s most successful businesses started as small businesses and grew over time and hard work. They are important as they foster the development of an entrepreneurial culture in society, which will have a positive impact on future economic growth and job creation.

The expert also notes that MYPES are a fundamental part of any country’s economy as they create employment, diversify the supply of products and services, encourage innovation and entrepreneurship and generally contribute to economic growth.

Antonio Maldonado at PPK


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