NASA prepares for skyscraper-sized asteroid to make its closest approach to Earth

There is always the uncertainty of an asteroid hitting Earth, although the odds are slim. However, NASA is paying special attention to something that could get closer to our planet than ever before.

We saw it with Bennu, the multi-million dollar asteroid that NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission brought back to Earth to study in more detail. It can affect our planet. After that, the space agency discovered that Bennu has the basic elements of life. The investigation continues till today.

Now, astronomers predict an asteroid The Empire State Building is as wide as a skyscraper From New York, it will cross the space 32,200 kilometers from our planet in five and a half years, i.e. in 2029.

That’s why NASA is preparing for it because, according to a Reuters report, the agency’s experts “A detailed study of this strange close encounter“.

Asteroid is named Apophis and discovered in 2004When it is believed to collide with our planet in 2029, it is made of silicate, iron and nickel materials.

It has been observed for almost two decades and scientists Rejected impact against our planet. Although not large enough to destroy the earth, it can create a tsunami and destroy an entire city.

The NASA spacecraft will conduct a detailed survey as it approaches our planet OSIRIS-APEX, which orbits the asteroid for 18 months. It floats above its surface and uses rocket boosters to see objects below.

Observing Apophis during and after its approach to Earth will allow scientists to see if there are any Changes in its orbit This could affect the chance of a future Earth impact, as well as any changes in the asteroid’s surface or rotation rate.

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