Official Bulletin of the Argentine Republic – Economic Secretariat for Industrial and Productive Development


Resolution 623/2023


City of Buenos Aires, 11/16/2023

File no. EX-2023-136539593-APN-DGDMDP#MEC, Act no. 19,640, vide order nos. 1,139 dated September 1, 1988 and amendments thereto, 1,234 dated September 14, 2007, 727 dated October 22, 2021 and 594 dated November 13, 2023, and


Act no. By 19,640, a special fiscal and customs regime was established for the then national territory of TIERRA DEL FUEGO, ANTARCTICA and the South Atlantic Islands, in order to promote economic activity and ensure the permanent establishment of the Argentine population. region.

Decree No. dated September 1, 1988. 1,139 and established by its amendments or Law no. 19,640 established the benefits, rights and obligations to be performed by companies incorporated under

Order dated September 14, 2007 no. 1,234 by Law no. 19,640, the validity period of the rights and obligations agreed upon within the framework of decree nos. 479 dated April 4, 1995 and 490 dated March 5, 2003 and supplementary regulations, with plans in force to date for industrial establishments located in the Province of TIERRA DEL FUEGO, ANTARCTICA and the South Atlantic Islands.

Order dated October 22, 2021 no. By Article 2 of Article 727, it is established that for projects for the production of products in Article XI of Mercosur’s (NCM) Common Nomenclature (NCM), the established expiry period shall be governed by the decree. No. 1,234/07, i.e. till December 31, 2023.

Order dated November 13, 2023 no. 594 by Decree no. The period provided for in Article 2 of 727/21 was extended until December 31, 2028 for the production projects of the products included in the Article.

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Order no. According to Article 8 of 594/23, the Secretariat of Industrial and Productive Development of the Ministry of Economy was appointed as the enforcement authority of the regime established in the aforementioned decree.

The Implementing Authority is empowered to enact respective supplementary and explanatory rules, as well as to conclude agreements necessary for the implementation of the established.

The permanent legal department has intervened accordingly.

Order no. This action is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 8 of 594/23.


Secretary for Industrial and Productive Development


Article 1.- Decree No. dated November 13, 2023. In order to be included in the provisions of Article 1 of 594, it is established that companies with plans in force since October 23, 2021 must submit an application for grafting by November 30. , including 2023, before the Directorate of Automotive Policy and Special Regimes under the National Industrial Policy Management Directorate of the Undersecretary of Industry of the Industry Secretariat and the requirements for the development of the Ministry of Production were established in the cooperative sector. Order and Formalities and Procedures, Resolution No. dated April 11, 2022. Determined by 228. Resumption of manufacturing sector relaunched on October 5 of the former Ministry of Industry, Knowledge Economy and Foreign Trade Management. 6, 2023 of the Secretariat for Industrial and Production Development of the Ministry of Economy, in its relevant areas. The provisions established in these resolutions shall apply, as applicable, to companies subject to the extension of Directive 594/23.

Article 2.- Ordinance no. To recognize the requirement established in the second paragraph of Article 3 of 594/23, at least one CAAE minute must be identified as having been recognized in the last twelve (12). A few months prior to the application for membership, for each product that intends to join, the former Industry, Knowledge Economy and Foreign Affairs Secretariat Resolution No. Business management in the opportunity to submit the documents listed in point 1 of Annex I of 228/22 replaces that mentioned in point 7 of the said annex.

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Likewise, the applicant must declare under oath that they are in normal compliance with their tax and pension obligations.

Article 3.- Former Secretariat of the Department of Industry, Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Resolution no. Intervention of the Technical Evaluation Unit (UETCE) of Production Plans for Structural Change as provided in Annex I of 228/22.

Article 4.- Contact the General Directorate of Customs and the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP), an autonomous agency within the Ministry of Economy.

Article 5.- This measure shall take effect from the date of its publication in the Official Bulletin.

Article 6.- Communicate, publish, give to the National Director of Official Records and archive it.

Jose Ignacio de Mendicuran

e. 21/11/2023 N° 94270/23 v. 21/11/2023


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