The poverty of Sanchista economy

The poverty of Sanchista economy

As I have already reiterated on different occasions, Th Economic policy A country is very important. Thereby, outlined in public budgets, what orientation we wish to give to political action in the economy, and with it, what economic structure we wish to draw within which economic relations operate.

Hence, the chosen economic policy is very important. It is good to remember what was affected between 2009 and 2014 derived from the situation between 2005 and 2011. A lot of spending and a lot of debt. In view of all this we must ask ourselves what kind of economic policy Spain needs. High spending and tax policy? A policy of cost efficiency and low taxes? A protectionist policy to remove barriers and promote international trade or some other policy? That's where the decision moves.

Spain has always been prosperous Deep reforms, when spending is controlled and focused on the essentials, and taxes are cut to leave more resources for citizens and businesses that create more economic activity and employment. Likewise, the best periods of prosperity for the Spanish economy took place when Spain opened itself up. exterior, and worse, and it was closed. Suffice it to remember the damage done by tariffs on English coal in the 19th century arancel Cambó Look at the economic consequences of the early 20th century to see how much it limited the growth and potential of the Spanish economy. And, in the opposite sense, the entry into the then European Economic Community, the entry into the Euro as founders, were moments of great departure for the Spanish economy in terms of a greater economic opening. What's more, if we analyze the period of Francoism, the two periods into which it is divided are clear: the first, based on autocracy, and worse, the Spanish finances were in a very affected situation. Second, with Technical experts Before, there was Tourism And the important beginning Foreign transactions and attracting foreign direct investment with double-digit growth for several years, creating significant prosperity for the economy.

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That is, there is no single economic policy, but one that preserves spending, high taxes and protectionism closer to the ideas of the left; The other, closer to liberal-conservative ideas, favors efficient but limited spending, low taxes, and openness to the outside world. The principles are different and so are the results.

Politics based on classical liberalism Market economy, when it is used, as I say, it shows that it works very efficiently. This is what happened, for example, during the Reagan, Thatcher, and Aznar mandates in Spain, and it continues to be used in some form of economic policy in Madrid society since Esperanza Aguirre's mandate. . This principle Limited and essential costs, low taxes and external transparency In a globalized world, experience shows that economic policy is the most effective. It is obvious that this involves the redistribution of income and wealth, but in order to redistribute them they must be created, and the best economic policy to create them is based on a market economy.

A very encouraging intervention by the President Sanchez It confuses redistribution with intervention in the economy, its activities, restricting its growth, which impoverishes it and, therefore, reduces the potential for redistribution. His friends hide this intervention by name Social market economy, which is nothing but a disappointment because, by these measures, the market economy has been curtailed and limited. It's a clear intervention, it creates PovertyCompared to the experience that shows us how the market economy based on classical liberal ideas has made society more developed and prosperous.

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Just as Sabatero's interventionist policies created extreme poverty in Spain between 2004 and 2011, Sánchez's intervention Crisis larvae, left the economy without reforms, fueled by unaffordable public spending, which all Spaniards would pay for. In the face of this impoverished economic policy, we must provide a true market economy, a free economy.


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