What bonds to collect in Peru in 2023 and how to know if I am a beneficiary | Check with DNI | Answers

What bonds to collect in Peru in 2023 and how to know if I am a beneficiary |  Check with DNI |  Answers

President of Peru In BoluarteIn his last message to the country for national holidays, he pointed to the economic subsidies provided by the government to citizens based on the country’s economic restructuring plans, and said these would be reintroduced in 2023. The Peruvian government has announced a S/600 bonus for public sector workers and another S/800 bonus to benefit a specific group of professionals affected by the crisis in the tourism sector.

What do you know about the 600 soles bonus?

More than 582,000 public sector employees will benefit from the S/600 subsidy provided by the government. The bonus will be given to employees attached to the CAS regime, the Civil Service Act, the Special Public Prison Service and the Diplomatic Service of the Republic. Additionally, workers of Legislative Decrees 276 and 728 will also be included.

To access this subsidy, the employment relationship of public sector employees must have been established since June 30, 2023 and they must be duly registered in the computerized application in the Centralized Register of Wages and Human Resources. Public Sector (AIRSHP) or in electronic format (PDT PLAME).

However, it is important to note Certain groups of workers will not benefit from this bonus. Those holding administrative or fiduciary positions, as well as those who meet the characteristics of a public official, cannot access this grant. Excluded are workers on special assignments in the health and education sectors, who are currently negotiating their claim papers.

for now, There is no link and no date to know when this money will be disbursedBut it is certain that the deposit will be made by the end of 2023.

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What do you know about the 800 soles bonus?

The 800 soles bonus in Peru is an economic subsidy given to tour guides who want to recognize this difficult task that has had critical moments during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Currently, a specific link is not provided to know the details about this process. That is why the authorities have only invited people to pay attention to the official channels of the state, such as the social networks of the Ministry of Culture.

It should also be taken into account that this bonus of 800 soles is aimed at reactivating the economy of the sector, which was affected by social conflicts and the severity of weather events, which has almost no demand for tourism services.

What bonds are issued in Peru?

The government announced that subsidies will continue to be provided to people in vulnerable demographic groups to face the rising cost of living and the impact of the El Nino phenomenon. Next, we will tell you the details of the bonds that Tina Polwarte commented on in her last message to the nation.

  • FertiApono 2: The President announced that the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Risk will help 166,000 agricultural producers with an economic figure exceeding 136 million, which will be allocated to workers who cultivate lands of up to 10 hectares. This move will sustain the growth of the next farming season. Similarly, 640 travel markets will be organized in 23 regions of the country.
  • Agroperu Fund: The scheme will provide credit to 16,000 small organized agricultural producers, announced in a message to the nation. The budget for the AgroPerú Fund will be 200 million ada.
  • Endurable Pune: As explained by the President of Peru, the program seeks to support 1,200 producers responsible for 10,000 hectares of high Andean ecosystems. With this assistance, crop and breeding adaptations will be made to improve their income based on value chains or practices to learn how to deal with weather-related events.
  • With Panche Peru: The scheme is designed to complement other social schemes such as Juntos, Pension 65 and Contico. It seeks to strengthen common pots, expand FISE vouchers and accelerate access to natural gas with a new strategy. The investment in this project is 12,000 million feet.
  • MYPERÚ Motivation: This project, which is related to the state program, aims to restore more than 200,000 mibs. Due to this, S/3,000 million loans will be financed. In addition, La República reported that in the fourth quarter of this year, an improved expansion of the Reactiva Peru project will be carried out.
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