Spanish chef stirs controversy after confirming antiqucho is “not Peruvian or Bolivian”: what he said on TikTok | tdpe | Answers

A Spanish chef has sparked controversy on social media after saying in a video TikTok Antigucho is not an exclusive dish from Peru Bolivia, but has deep roots in the gastronomic history of the Andean region. What did he apparently say, and how did the networks respond? In this note we will tell you everything.

The Spanish chef confirms that Antigucho is “not Peruvian, not Bolivian.”

In the video, the expert explores the diversity of names this dish receives in Asian countries such as China, Japan and Thailand, as well as in Spain. However, his most controversial opinion came when he explained the etymological origin of the name “Antigucho”, dividing it into two parts: “anti” meaning Andes and “guchu”, which translates to court.

The chef argued that llama meat seasoned with chilies and aromatic herbs was prepared in Dahuantinzuo before the arrival of Spanish America, but with the establishment of the Viceroyalty of Peru in the 16th century, the recipe underwent significant changes. Pepper, chili, garlic, and fresh meats were incorporated into local dishes, and a distinction was established in the selection of ingredients according to social class.

According to the expert, meats considered noble were reserved for the upper classes, while slaves and the less privileged had to content themselves with the stench and stench. It was then that cow’s heart gained prominence and became the most consumed antigucho, and today when “antigucho” is referred to, it is directly related to cow’s heart seasoned with chili and pepper.

The Spanish chef ends his video by arguing that during the time of the Incas, neither Peru nor Bolivia were recognized countries, but rather the entire Andean region was a single territory. Therefore, he suggested that the heritage of the Incas and their gastronomy should be enjoyed by all regardless of current borders.

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The chef’s statement generated an immediate response on social media, with thousands of users expressing their views on TikTok. Some have highlighted the historical and cultural significance of antiquchos, while others have discussed the differences in the preparation of this dish in Peru and Bolivia.

How is antigucho prepared?

To prepare antigucho, the following ingredients should be taken into account:

1 beef heart

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds

2 tablespoons oregano

5 cloves of minced garlic

3/4 cup vinegar

1/2 cup ground pancha chili

Salt to taste

Cane sticks

1 brush made of corn leaves

papa (potato) and corn (maize)

First remove the fat and the membranes covering the heart and clean it thoroughly, leaving only the meat. Cut the heart (curved cut) into small pieces of approximately 3 cm. Chop the garlic into small pieces. Now mix all the spices with minced garlic. Add red chilies (aji pancha), salt, pepper, cumin and oregano. Pour the vinegar and mix the whole mixture. Once everything is well mixed, pour it over the antigucho slices and leave to macerate (rest) for at least two hours. Slide (3 pieces per stick). Heat the grill with some oil and when it is very hot, place the antigucho sticks. Make sure they are well fried on both sides and use the mixture to brush them from time to time with a brush. Serve with potato wedges, a piece of corn and a chili or rokoto sauce.

Where to eat antiquchos in Lima?

These are some of the places you should visit according to some recommendations found on social networks.

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– Anticuchería Carmencita on Av. La Mar, block 9. Plate of antichuchos with belly or choncholi priced from S/23.00

РAv. Do̱a Pochita in Ignacio Merino 2316, Lince. Since 1978 they have enchanted with their classic taste. You can find the combination from S/24.00

РLa Norte̱a at Av. Marino Cornejo 999, Pueblo Libre. Find special meals serving more than two people from S/40.00.

– Mrs. Doris’s Antigucos on Ave. Las Lomas 1415, San Juan de Luricancho. This forklift option is popular on social networks. You can find a classic meal for S/7.00

– Uncle Mario’s in Pasaje Zepita 214, Barranco. From individual presentations to combos to share from S/40.00

– Avenida Villarán 714, Marabunda in Cirquillo, Antiguchos and Polos. Discover their duets, trios and ensemble classics from S/29.90 at their three locations, including Chorillos and Jesus Maria.

– Manolo’s corner Av. Tarapacá 485, Rímac. Considered one of the main dishes to savor antichuchos and chinsulins with refreshing chicha morada.

– Crimanesa at 466 Ignacio Merino Street, Miraflores. From the wheelbarrow to the living room, taste the seasoning of one of the greatest representatives of this Peruvian cuisine.

– Pasquala in Girona Santa Rosa 854, Cirquillo. Delighting in its delicious presentation that has been attracting national and foreign diners for over 30 years.

– Av. Rosita Antiques in Ayacucho 1352, Surco. Find individual presentations from S/17.00 and combined presentations from S/24.00

– Marthita antique shop in front of Rebagliati Hospital in Jesús María. A forklift flavor that wakes up the appetite as night falls. They offer combos starting at S/15.00

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What is antigucho?

Antigucho is a type of skating of Peruvian origin that later became popular in some South American countries with different variations. It consists of fried meat and other dishes on a skewer. In pre-Columbian times, antigucho was made with slices of llama meat and seasoned with aromatic herbs and chilies.

Other versions indicate that this dish is the result of the interaction of Moorish and Hispanic heritage, which arrived in Peru with success, products based on meat and goat’s heart are present in the region and proven with a total Spanish heritage. Consumption of beef (including its offal).

Although its origins pre-Columbian, antigucho became popular during the colonial period, it was one of the most important dishes served to the slaves of the former viceroyalty of Peru and is still consumed by the descendants of the first encomendoros.

Currently, this food was brought to various countries such as Argentina, Bolivia and Chile by the Peruvian colonists.

In Peru, antigucho is characterized by the use of beef heart and its consumption is emphasized as part of the gastronomic traditions of the feasts of the Lord of Miracles in October.

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