The Ministry of Education congratulates the Sevillian School for promoting the “Moon School Constitution” project

The Ministry of Education congratulates the Sevillian School for promoting the “Moon School Constitution” project

Aeronautical Law Association to give “legal rigor” to document to be handed over to Spanish space agency

Sevilla, 3 DC. (Europe Press) –

The Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports has sent a letter to the San Ignacio del Viar school in the city of Alcalá del Río (Seville), congratulating its proposal for a “School Lunar Constitution” promoted by teachers. Herminio Rodríguez Pozo and Jesús García and successor to the trip of students from Nuestra Señora del Carmen school in the district of Torre de la Reina, from Quilina, who visited the NASA facilities in Houston (USA) in July.

In this letter, dated November 23, the director of the cabinet of Minister Pilar Alegría “welcomes the new initiative of the CEIP San Ignacio del Viar of Seville, in which the students have drawn up the Lunar School Constitution.”

In the letter, the State Department of Education congratulates Professor Herminio Rodríguez Pozo, the promoter of the aforementioned school trip to NASA facilities and this proposal for the Constitution of the Lunar School from the School of San Ignacio del Viar; “In this case, it enables exciting activities with students to work across different skills and fundamental topics (citizenship, sustainability, collaborative spaces, SDGs, etc.) and bring science. And knowledge of space to the youngest”.

In particular, last July, students from Nuestra Señora del Carmen Public School in Torre de la Reina who traveled to NASA centers in Houston had a meeting with Spanish NASA engineer Eduardo García Lama, chief guide and controller of the Orion rocket. The Artemis program was intended to establish a permanent human presence on the Moon and to send humans to Mars; Presenting him with a plan for the “Moon School Constitution”.

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The aforementioned “Moon School Constitution” upholds “additive values, the discovery of meaningful experiences and everything related to space and science,” highlighting the school’s “initiative role” and headquarters in “promoting humanity’s space future.” Among other aspects of the speech was a “new impetus” to encourage interest in science and technology in the space agency’s education sector in Seville.

Obtaining support for the proposal

This proposal was raised during the trip by Professor Herminio Rodríguez Pozo, a teacher this year at the San Ignacio del Viar Public School in the city of Alcalá del Río, together with Jesús García; So far the two aforementioned educational centers in Seville, the Miguel de Cervantes School in Castelblanco de los Arroyos and the Andalusian School have received the support of the Space Agency. Study, founded by Francisco Martínez Sion and coordinated by Rafael Vidal Rodríguez Sabio; of the Science and Space Proliferation Group based in El Puerto de Santa Maria (Cádiz); Portuguese Astronomy and Space Group Association of Rota, Teaching Faculty of the University of Seville, Andalusia Aerospace Business Group, Semirro Foundation for Physical-Space Robotics of Colombia, Popular Culture College of Bogotá, Association First Female Talent in Space, European Space Agency Spanish Astronaut Sarah Garcia or John Juan Miguel Forminon is Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at Gilbert University.

More specifically, the initiative has the support of the Spanish Association of Aeronautical and Space Law (AEDAE), Violeta Candullo, a participant in the Equality Commission of that organization, and the Space Commission of the Ellas Vulan Alto Association as legal. A research technician at the Eurospace Hub, involved in the project, will propose the specific wording of the articles of the future lunar school constitution, together with his colleague Doris Conde and the entire leadership of the association.

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The Moon is Mankind’s heritage

According to Herminio Rodríguez, the document is based on international principles established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1966, highlighting the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, with the idea of ​​”placing the Moon as the heritage of mankind”. , regulating measures to avoid exploitation of its natural resources for profit.

Precisely for this reason, as pointed out by the aforementioned author, the proposal for the Constitution of the Lunar School explores “the importance of instilling in the new generations a tradition that will allow them to harmoniously create the new space age”.

Violetta Candullo, co-founding partner of aerospace law consultancy Aerostral Consulting, says she will work with her colleagues from the social sector, including Doris Conde, to craft a text with “full legal rigour”. And with a “community” perspective. “, a general outline of the approach of the Lunar School Constitution, considering providing the document, the students themselves should enrich it with a school view of the world. Spanish Space Agency, based in Seville.”

Placement in the school environment

In this sense, Professor Herminio Rodríguez concluded by saying that the purpose of “this innocent but inspiring initiative” is to “engage students in the reflection and debate of space issues” in the current international environment that promotes research and space exploration; “Encouraging interest in science and technology” among the school population.

Precisely for this reason, to complete this text “What would be the possible regime and habitability of the Moon” has requested the additional participation of schools, institutions, the University of Seville and other educational institutions in Andalusia. Future.” Closer”, with the “Spirit of Sustainability” of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

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“One space and one moon for everyone,” noted Professor Herminio Rodríguez Pozo, setting his sights on the moment his school’s student delegation presented a futuristic document to the Spanish Space Agency.


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